Honey Ortiz was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. Stuck up doesn't even describe her. Always getting what she wants. No isn't in her vocabulary. 23 year old Qasim has always been a product of the street- matter of fact he is the streets! Born...
Qasim Winters "Man, this is nice as hell. You should've just got an engagement ring." Kaydence suggested.
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Flipping the ring box closed- I gave thought to what he said. "I plan on proposing and marrying Honey one day, but I have to many loose ends that need to be clipped. Ya feel me?" I questioned, placing the ring box back into the Jared bag.
Nodding his head we'd been out looking for a suit and dress. I wanted this to be a special occasion for O and I. Not wanting her to worry about anything, I took the liberty of handling everything. The only request she had, was that I let her take care of her own hair and makeup.
"Your suit is black, why not buy O a colored dress?"
Glancing at Liese, I was waiting on her approval. We kept her on FaceTime since she had to stay home with the children. Kay and Liese- were parents to an adorable five month old girl.
"Black dress, my girl isn't big on color so leave it simple"
I thought about what I liked most about Honey's body. I loved her legs, arms, and her shoulders. They were toned to perfection. Going into the first semi formal shop I saw, I explained to the saleswoman what I wanted. She went to the rack, and showed AnaLiese a few dresses. After about five dresses, Liese squealed.
"That one, Qasim she's going to love it!"
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