Honey Ortiz was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. Stuck up doesn't even describe her. Always getting what she wants. No isn't in her vocabulary. 23 year old Qasim has always been a product of the street- matter of fact he is the streets! Born...
Pushing the record key, I glared at the thought of Mia. She claimed that she was turning over a new leaf. I wasn't optimistic of it, but she claimed she had evidence for me. Here, I was sitting in an isolated area thirty minutes outside of our hometown.
There was a bash on the window and I unlocked the door. Pulling the door open, Mia slipped into the front seat.
"What information do you have?" I questioned, wanting to get this over with.
She was a little fidgety and shifty. I pulled the glove compartment open, and nodded towards my gun. Her body instantly stopped.
"I'm so-so-so sorry. My sister set up a plan with Tee to kidnap Trinity. She also paid Don to sexually assault Honey, and I was supposed to lure her there. I was going to tell the first time, but Karina hit me over the head. I know I should have said something before now." she whispered, wiping her tears.
In all honesty, I felt bad for Mia. I don't think she's had a voice in any of this. She never wanted to fail her siblings.
"What do you suppose we do?"
Looking out the window, her features softened.
"Still let me fall through with their plans. Meanwhile, you guys set something up to stop it from happening. Tristan doesn't want Trinity, and she never did. She only wants her now for money purposes. The bitch is broke, and Karina feels as if Qasim wronged her. Me, I truly loved Qasim, but my child is the most important thing to me. If I die, or somehow turn up dead after all this, will you promise to make sure Naseem knows that he was loved. Please!" she pleaded, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.
I couldn't ignore a simple request like that. Nodding, I patted her hand. Being a mother, I understood her fight.
"You'll be here for Naseem Mia. We aren't going to let anything happen to you, the kids, or Honey. I promise."
A small smile appeared, but quickly vanished. "The only virtuous thing to happen to me was meeting Qasim and getting pregnant. Take care Liese. "she mumbled, getting out of the car.
Hitting the stop button, I sent a group message to the gang. Cranking the car, I made my way back to my apartment.
"Why'd you call this emergency meeting babe?"
Placing my phone on the brown coffee table, I hit the play button. Everything Mia confessed was playing through the phones small speaker. The recording finally stopped.
"How do you know the bitch isn't lying?" Honey asked.
Qasim rubbed her thigh. "You remember when I told you, Mia looked like she was hiding something? She called us to the hospital for that reason. However, when we got there, her sisters frightened her into not speaking."
"Also, one thing I know- Mia wouldn't put Naseem in harm's way. So, Mia is telling the truth. We should take this information to the police. I do want them to think they still have the upper hand like Mia suggested." Qasim added, leaning backwards and closing his eyes.
"What's on your mind?" Kaydence questioned.
"I should have let Honey beat Tee ass when she was trying to. "he responded, a small chuckle following.
Qasim ran his hand over his jeans
"I mean, I ain't no soft ass nigga, but I got shit to live for now. I have a family. If this was back in the day, I would off them niggas with no problems. However, I wanna be smart about the situations at hand."
Part of me wanted to go to war for my brother, but I understood. He was growing, maturing and realizing what battles to fight. I was proud of him. Kaydence nodded in understanding.
"I know how you feeling. I have a child that needs me, so I'm definitely not trying to fuck that up" Kaydence responded.
"My uncle Harvey still works at the police station" Honey chimed in.
"Do you know if he's in today, or should we take care of this tomorrow?" I questioned, deep in thought.
"I'll call him first and explain it to him"
Nodding my head I crossed my legs. I had a bad ass feeling in the pit of my stomach though.. I couldn't shake the shit.
"I'm gonna go and talk to Mia though. I called her earlier, but I didn't get an answer from her. Tee hit me up earlier screaming about some dumb ass shit. I only hung up on her. But baby, I'll see you when I come back. I need to check up on some shit."
Honey only nodded and sank deeper into the chair. I could tell something was weighing in heavy on her.
Kaydence walked Qasim out and I looked over at Honey.
"What's up mama?"
Exhaling her eyes glossed over.
"I know Mia telling the truth, but I feel like this shit is the set up for something she never knew was coming. My cousins are some conniving ass bitches- and I'm not trying to lose Qasim because of some petty family jealousy."
Looking over at my best friend, I felt sorry for all the issues she's had to deal with in life. It seems like all her drama was surrounded around her family. One thing for sure, she never let it keep her down for long.
"Look, I know shit is looking off right now, but think of it this way. Once you have your cousin detained, life will go back to being normal for everyone. You and Q will get that happily ever after you both deserve.
Smiling, she stood up. "Thanks best friend, I love you so much" she stated, hugging me tightly.
"I love you too O"
"I'm going to head out so I can talk to my Uncle about everything." she stated, as Kaydence was coming through the door.
"Bye sis, Bye Kaydence"
"Bye sis"Kaydence and I both responded.
Kaydence gave me this look and I shook my head.
"Let them handle it Kaydence"
He waved me off and walked off. Somewhere in his head letting the cops deal with it wasn't enough. I had to make sure he stayed his ass out of the way.
Hey babies, So, this ends in about 10 more chapters. This sets the tone for the next 4 chapters. Therefore, things are about to get interesting. Enjoy this and I'll start the next chapter sometime this weekend. Excuse mistakes and enjoy loves!😙💕 -CPacino💜
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