Testing Loyalties and Charges

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Thank you all for the support. I still can't believe this is the third book in my Grey's series.

Gen's POV

"He has his memories back?" I ask Alex as we head to the car.

"Yeah, it seems like that."

"When did he get them back?" I ask.

"I...when I paged him for help with DeLuca and..."

"You paged Mark?" I exclaim.

"I needed plastics to make sure DeLuca was going to be okay."

"Why did you do it?" I look at Alex. "Why would you ever lay a hand on someone else?"

"I thought he was attacking Jo."


"I walked in, and she was drunk, and he was on top of her, and I reacted." Alex explains.

"So you beat him to near-death?"

"You're my person. You should see my side."

"I see that you thought a guy was assaulting your girlfriend. What I don't understand is why you didn't stop till it was almost too late?"

"I was in the moment, and I just saw red."

"Seeing red is not an excuse for what you did, Alex."

"I know. I screwed up, and I...I don't know what's going to happen to me."

"Who saw you get arrested?"

"The whole hospital."

"This isn't how our lives were supposed to go." I mutter.

"I screwed up Gen. And I don't know if I...if I can ever get my life back." I grab his hand and squeeze it.

"I don't support the choices you made. You are in the wrong, but I love you. I am your person, and I'm always going be by your side."

"How can you say that?"

"Because we promised to no goodbyes. I'm going to help you get the best outcome you can, but Alex, you need to understand your actions have huge consequences, and no one can protect you from it." I tell him.

"Mer was willing to lie for me and...all the way to the end."

"Meredith is loyal like that."

"I'm not terrified of losing my license. Losing my job. I'm terrified of losing you." I look at Alex, confused. "I beat a man, and I'm being charged with assault. I don't know how you could allow me to be in your life. Be in your children's lives. I..." I bring him into a giant hug, and he cries into my shoulder.

"I love you, Evil Spawn. Always have. Always will. I will never turn my back on you."

"Ow!!!!" Alex yelps, and he grabs his head. "Dude! What the hell?!" He holds his head from where I hit him.

"That is for being an idiot and now putting us all through a hell storm."

"I didn't want this to happen."

"Well, now I have to deal with Meredith sleeping with a guy her sister likes. Mark getting his memories back and trying to keep you from life behind bars!" I exclaim.

"Wow. Thanks for the confidence." Alex sasses. I smack him on the head again. "OW! Dude! Enough."

"Don't be an ass. You made your choice, and now you're going to live with it. Don't be a dick!"

"Stop being my mother!"

"Don't make me use my voice like this! Be the adult child I know you can be and stop this shit." I complain.

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