Celebration and Broken Monitors

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3rd Person's POV

"This day was epic." The interns relax on the gurneys in the basement after the amazing day they all witnessed.

"I'm so tired I can't feel my teeth." Schmitt shares.

"I almost stitched my finger to a person." Helm states.

"Scram." Meredith orders them.

"Either you leave now, or we make you cry." Gen threatens them, and the interns take off.

"This is our beach." Alex yells at them as he joins his people to sit on the gurneys just like they did during their intern year.

"Oooh! Look who's calling!" Meredith shows her phone to Gen and Alex with Cristina's face.

"Answer it." Gen orders.

"On it." Meredith answers Cristina's phone as Alex prepares to pour champagne into their glasses. "Hey, you're just in time for the champagne. Ready? Wait for it." Alex pops the cork, and they laugh at the simple joy champagne is bringing them.

"What did she say?' Alex asks.

"She asked me if I feel different."

"Damn, straight she does!"

"Enough put her on speaker!" Gen states, and Meredith puts Cristina on speaker for everyone to hear. "She kicked that awards ass!"

"Hell yeah, she did!" Cristina agrees. They all take sips of their champagne.

"Cristina, did you get the photos?" Gen asks.

"Oh, the freaky doppelganger of you and Evil Spawn?"

"We always said you two made a cute couple." Meredith chimes in.

"WHAT?!" Alex and Gen ask in unison.

"Evil Spawn was eye fucking Gen through most of the intern year." Gen's mouth gaps as Alex nods his head.

"Dude!" Gen hits his shoulder.

"You're hot. Who could blame me?"

"I didn't need you eye fucking me for a year!"

"It was a compliment." Alex argues.


"Gen, it's not a problem that people think you're hot. Hell, your brain is sexy as hell how you can balance three specialties and six children." Cristina compliments Gen.

"I have five children Cristina."

"Nah, I count McSteamy as a child."

"Me too." Meredith agrees.

"So besides Alex apparently eye fucking me for a year, any other revelations we should be sharing?" Gen asks her persons.

"I got a dog." Cristina shares.

"I won a Harper Avery." Meredith chimes in.

"I met my doppelganger." Alex adds.

"Mer, did you ever find your doppelganger?" Cristina asks.

"Nope. But I would have loved that." Meredith admits.

"No, it's terrifying." Gen shakes her head.

"I thought your name was Gennifer when I first met you." Meredith shares.


"I had never heard the name Genevieve besides medieval movies." Cristina adds.

"Enough about my name. Let's get back to the importance of this call." Gen pours more champagne into everyone's glass. "This is to our person who just kicked surgical ass!"

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