Phase 2

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Get ready for a crazy chapter.

3rd Person POV

"What I'm saying is the Chief gives an order; you follow the order." Owen tells the group at lunch. "You try to make it work."

"Spoken like a true soldier." Riggs comments.

"Spoken like a former Chief." Arizona adds.

"Right on both counts." Owen agrees.

"So you're neutral is what you're saying. You're Switzerland." Maggie comments.

"No, I'm saying Bailey's the Chief, but that doesn't mean that I'm against Webber." Owen explains.

"But is it wrong to disagree with an order the Chief gives if you feel like it's wrong?" Lexie suggests. "An order is just that, an order, but we're humans who have the ability to make decisions for ourselves. I mean, when Webber forced the merge with Mercy West, no one was okay with it, and it made working here horrible. And he regretted it later."

"Grey is right. There are decisions any Chief has made that has rubbed people the wrong way, but nothing is like what Bailey is doing." Jackson states.

"I mean, mass firing people for budget cuts is pretty bad." Lexie argues.

"True. But what I don't get is what the hell are you supposed to do when you're completely against the order that you're given?" Jackson asks Owen.

"Well, that's called a coup." Owen answers.

"I like the sound of that." Mark snaps his fingers.

"Frowned upon but sometimes necessary." Riggs adds.

"Oh, so that's what we're talking about here?" Owen asks the group. "Throwing Minnick out or throwing Bailey out?"

"No, no, no. It's just we want Webber in." Jackson clarifies.

"And if that means Mickey Mouse goes, then good." Mark states.

"Mickey Mouse?" Owen asks him, confused.

"She's an annoying rodent that no one asked for or wants." Everyone's gaze lands on Gen and April in the lunch line.

"Sloan. What is your wife doing?" Arizona asks.

"Getting lunch." Mark answers as he eats his sandwich.

"With April."

"Yup." Mark says, not making a big deal of it. The group keeps glaring at April as she and Gen find an empty table to sit at.

"Is your wife jumping ship?" Maggie asks.

"Hell no. But she's also not going to stop being friends with someone because they upset others." Mark defends his wife.

"So she's still with us?"

"Hell yes. She wanted to chew Bailey's ass out, but Grey told her not to."

"She does like chewing people out. And she's really good at it." Lexie comments.

"She's done it to me a few times." Mark admits.

"Me too." Owen adds, and he shares an awkward look with Mark as they both remember being yelled at by Gen in Webber's office after getting into a fight with each other.

"I don't know what we're gonna do here, but we got to do something." Jackson states.

"So Hunt, are you with us?" Riggs asks. "Or are you too busy being Switzerland over there?"

"I like this guy!" Mark high-fives Riggs.

"How's Kepner doing?" Owen doesn't answer the question.

"What do you mean, how's Kepner doing? She's a turncoat." Maggie exclaims with venom in her voice.

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