Harper Avery Has a Lot to Say

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Thank you for being patient in-between my long updates. I hope you enjoy the one of many updates that will come before the end of the year.

3rd Person's POV

Amelia has been relentless since finding out about her tumor and the plan of action

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Amelia has been relentless since finding out about her tumor and the plan of action. She is keeping everything a secret besides DeLuca knowing, which is terrifying the intern, and to make matters worse; Harper Avery is coming to the hospital to speak with the staff and try and intimidate the Benoist foundation to sell their shares. "Dr. Shepherd?" Andrew calls out.

"Shh." Amelia doesn't take her eyes off her scans.

"It's been a week. Shouldn't you tell someone?" Andrew asks her. "Your family? A friend?"

"I don't need your advice or your concern. What I need is for you to follow HIPAA and keep your mouth shut. And my latest labs and a triple latte." Amelia orders.

"But I'm on Dr. Sloan's service today, and...he knows when I'm lying about something."

"So, become a better liar." Amelia orders.

"I...he scares me, and then he brings in Dr. Benoist, who really terrifies me." Andrew shares.

"Mark is a big loud teddy bear. Don't let him scare you. And Gen can be bribed with the right snack. Oooh...she really likes those cheese Danishes they have at the bakery." Amelia states.

"I...you want me to lie to my Attendings?"

"I need you to keep your mouth shut. Triple latte now." Andrew feels defeated.

"I'm just... I'm just saying that the skill level is curative." Arizona exclaims to April as they head to work. "It's a curative level of..." She laughs. "Sex. It erases pain and fixes things. Like Eliza...erased on a cellular level. Just... she's gone! Last night, Carina had me up against the..." April places her hands on her shoulders.

"You're late for the thing." April tries to get her to stop, but Arizona can't stop giggling.

"This is not every department head!" Bailey complains that her staff is not present to greet Harper Avery. "I said every department head. Pierce, where's Shepherd?"

"I haven't seen her all morning." Maggie answers.

"Grey, where's your sister?" Bailey asks Lexie.

"I just got out of a ten-hour surgery Chief. I barely know my own name." Lexie answers.

"You don't want her mood here." Alex shares.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Avery, you're not a department head." Bailey tells Jackson.

"Oh, I know that, but Sloan says he doesn't do these things and asks me to represent the Plastics Posse instead." Jackson explains.

"Repre..." Bailey is mad. "And where the hell is Benoist? She is the head of three departments and is not here?"

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