Maggie's First Fetal Surgery

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Season 13 was an alright season. Kind of found it was hard to write more compelling things besides the issues with Minnick.

Gen's POV

"Once we access the fetus, we'll excise the tumor, giving your baby instant cardiac relief." My resident explains to Jenna and Leo. "We'll take your baby out of the uterus, but only partially. We'll remove the tumor, then tuck her back in safe and sound."

"We know. Dr. Benoist explained all this when she diagnosed the tumor." Jenna states.

"But we were hoping the surgery could wait until Jenna was further along." Leo exclaims. "I mean, is she even strong enough?"

"Of course I am." Jenna tells her husband.

"I meant the baby." Leo clarifies.

"I'm afraid we don't have a choice." Riggs chimes in.

"Without surgery, the baby will only get sicker." I explain to them.

"Jenna, they wouldn't do the surgery unless they had to." Owen reassures his friend.

"She has to fight before she's even born. I can't help her do it."

"We can." I reassure Jenna. "Everything we are doing is to help your baby fight so she can have a wonderful life. Dr. Pierce and I are going to help her." I share.

"I...I thought Dr. Riggs was operating on the baby." Leo questions.

"So did I." Owen looks from Riggs to me with a worried look on his face.

"Actually, Dr. Pierce took over your case. She's the Chief of Cardio." Riggs explains.

"Well, why the switch-up?" Jenna asks.

"Is this another upgrade?" Leo asks Owen.

"It is." Riggs answers instead. "You're being humped up to first class. I would take it." Riggs waves and leaves the room.

"I would not okay the change if I didn't trust and believe in Dr. Pierce." I reassure Jenna and Leo. "She is an excellent surgeon, and we have worked on a number of cases together, so I know we can do this one. But please, if you have questions or concerns, share them with me."

"You... you're sure this is the right move?" Jenna asks me.

"Dr. Peirce is excellent. Dr. Riggs is excellent. You are in good hands with any of our doctors. I trust both of them. Here." I pass them a tablet. "This is a brief summary of the work each of them have done. You two can look it over, and if you want Dr. Riggs back on the case, that is fine with me."

"And me." Maggie chimes in. "But I assure you, I am good. I know I can help your baby." We leave Jenna and Leo to talk things over. Riggs already left, and Maggie is heading to check on a patient.

"Benoist," Owen calls my name.

"Hunt there is..."

"This is Peirce's first day back." He reminds me that I wasn't there with Maggie at her mom's grave this morning. "She can't just swoop in here and steal this surgery."

"One, this hospital is known for surgeons stealing surgeries from each other. Two, I wouldn't agree to Pierce being on this if I felt she couldn't do it." I argue.

"Riggs has followed this case. He's studied the procedure. They know him. They trust him."

"And I gave them the option to keep Riggs or move on with Pierce. I am leaving it up to them to decide. Both are good doctors." I argue back.


"Riggs and I hadn't even come up with a plan of action because we had hoped that Jenna would be further along. Maggie and I have talked, and Riggs consulted on the best treatment plan, and we are ready to move forward with it." I explain to Owen.

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