Am I Doing Enough?

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I miss Arizona and April being on the show so much.

Arizona's POV

What Carina said earlier today is still bothering me. I feel this deep connection with her yet she seemingly wants no part of me being a mother to Sofia. I could be just overthinking this but when I shared with her how much Sofia hates school lately and refuses to go she had no empathy. I find her in one of the radiology labs doing her research. "Hey." I enter the room getting her attention. "How's the pleasure business?"

"Always learning. What's up?" She turns and faces me.

"Do you like kids?" I ask her point blank.


"I just...I mean, in general. You know, some people, they don't like kids."

"Have I done something wrong?"

"It's just, when I talk about Sofia, you don't seem particularly interested." I explain to her.

"I don't really know Sofia. I only know what you tell me of her, and how you treat her. And I...I just don't believe in coddling the children so much." Carina explains and I'm taken aback by her words. "That's all."

"Coddling? I don't the children...the child."

"If Sofia stayed home part of today, why should she want to go to school the next day?" She asks me and it still baffles me she would say this to me.

"It's very complicated. I mean, her parents split up and she's..."

"My parents split up, too. I stayed in Italy with Papa, baby Andrew goes with our mom. I had my first job at 9, sweeping up in the café. Meanwhile, Andrew is sobbing on the couch because his girlfriend left him." She exclaims to me.

"She was basically deported." I remind her of the real reason Sam left.

"It's because he was coddled. Food for thought?"

I leave my conversation with Carina feeling more confused than ever. I thought I could clear my mind through work but all I could think about was what she said to me. I finish my work for the day and I bump into Mark. "Oooh sorry."

"My bad Robbins. Didn't see you there."

"I wasn't looking. Are you done for the day?"

"Didn't actually do any work. Mostly was here to help Owen and remind Avery why I chose him to be a member of the Plastic's Posse." Mark explains.

"Oh yeah I heard about that surgery he, Grey, and Gen were doing. Was it successful?"

"Of course it was." He boasts with pride.

"That's good. Where's Ellie?"

"I'm going to pick her up from daycare now."

"Okay you think I coddle Sofia?"


"Do I baby her? Do you think I'm too soft?"

"Why are you asking this? Is someone questioning your parenting because I'll give them a piece of my mind..."

"No, no, no. No...I just...I brought up to Carina that I've been having problems with getting Sofia to want to go to school and that I've bribed her with special things. Carina's response was more or less she doesn't believe in coddling children."

"First off, you don't coddle her. I've seen you blossom into this badass surgeon and mother and none of that was because you coddled people. Second I think Carina is wrong for saying that to you, but third are you more upset with her use of the word coddle or that Sofia is so upset being here in Seattle?"

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