New Interns and Harper Avery Awards

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I know it's been a long wait in between and I just want to thank you for supporting this series. I love reading your comments and the chaos and drama are just getting started.

Gen's POV

"You need help with what?" I repeat, not fully believing what Arizona just told me.

"I can get the gun out of her vagina, but she may have also broken her coccyx and or dislocated her hip bone, so..."

"So you get to pull the gun out of her vagina while I tend to some broken bones." I pout.

"You're the ortho surgeon." She reminds me.

"But I'm so much more than that."

"Either you fix her bone, and I fix her vagina, or you fix her vagina, and I attempt to locate the broken bone." I laugh at the idea.

"You hate bones."

"I know I do."

"Which is odd for once being married to an ortho surgeon." I remind her.

"And having my best friend as one too." She says, and I look at her weirdly. "What?"

"Wait... I'm your best friend?" I ask her.

"Yes. April and you are what I consider best friends." She explains.

"But I attacked your prosthetic leg with an I.V. pole." I remind her.

"Yes, and we discussed we would never mention that again, but you have been there with me, trying to get me out dating and having fun again after my divorce and custody battle. You have helped me mend my relationship with Callie. We laugh and get drunk together."

"You can stop."

"If you don't want to be my best friend, well, too bad because you..."



"I am honored to be your best friend." I tell her, and she smiles.

"Was that so hard?"

"Yes." I answer as I wink at her.

"I hate you sometimes."

"I know."

"She's lucky the bullet didn't injure her bowel or any major vessels." April exclaims to us as she staples the patient's abdomen. "How dumb do you have to be to do something like that for a. guy? Is it really that hard to find a boyfriend who isn't in jail?"

"I don't know Love After, or anything to do with lockup, is pretty compelling that people are attracted to individuals in prison." I share.

"What?" Arizona and April ask me.

"I like reality t.v. when I'm home." I defend. "It's addictive when you watch it." So I tell them as I work on fixing the patient's hip.

"She's only 18, and she's already shot herself over a man. Oh, God." Arizona sighs. "Sofia's gonna be a teenager in like 5 seconds. I am not ready for puberty and dating and...idiot boys or idiot girls."

"Now, having my own kids, I truly don't know how my mom raised my siblings and me. Let alone doing it as a single mother most of our life."

"How are you doing it as a mother to five?" April asks me.

"Not well." I answer honestly. "Most days, I cry because I feel like I'm failing at everything. I worry that my children will hate me later because I have missed some things because I love my job, but I love them more."

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