Where is Alex?

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I wish they didn't mess with Bailey's character development during season 13. She's such a strong person with great leadership skills and yet they allowed Catherine Avery to bully her around.

3rd Person POV

"So this website's saying that we need a case record number. The other one said that I needed his arrest record number. Are those the same things?" Maggie asks Meredith as they are searching for any information on where Alex is.

"I don't know." Meredith keeps scrolling through her emails for something.

"Uh, did you find it?"

"I'm looking."

"Well, I can't get any information about his case without that number." Maggie repeats.

"Alex sent me an email one time with an arraignment number on it or something..."

"Try the search box."

"I'm searching."

"Oh, maybe this." Maggie exclaims, getting Meredith's attention. "Okay, location, current defendant using his...yeah, no, still need the number."

"I'm going to call Gen." Meredith dials Gen's number, but it goes to voicemail. "Damn, she's still at the prison."

"Prison?" Maggie says worriedly.

"She is treating a patient that's pregnant." Meredith tells her. "But she would know where Alex is or what happened to him." Meredith keeps searching for Alex's number but is coming up empty-handed. Lexie's number appears on her phone. "Lexie! Did you get my message?" Meredith asks her sister.

"Yeah, I just got out of surgery, and your message wasn't clear. You need a number for a client?"

"No, Alex's case number. Do you know it?"


"Good. I'm ready." Maggie says as Meredith moves closer to her.

"RDH4467A239." Lexie reads off as Maggie types it in. Maggie says nothing, and Meredith looks at the screen. "I know that was the right number." Lexie says.

"30 years to life." Meredith mutters.

"What?" Lexie shouts a bit.

"He's gonna die in prison."

"Wait! That's not even his case." Meredith exclaims, noticing the mistake. "Lexie, what is the number again?"

"RDH4467A239." Lexie says with ease

"See, she said A, not 8." Meredith tells Maggie.

"Oh, thank God." Maggie says thankfully.

"Do you need me to take over?" Meredith offers.

"No, no, I got it." Maggie corrects the numbers, and Alex's case pulls up.

"What does it say?" Lexie asks.

"Criminal case blah, blah, blah. Disposition."

"Deposition. That's good. That means he's giving testimony. That means that he's in court, and he didn't take the plea, and he's not in prison...at least not yet." Maggie states. Meredith looks at her sister and shakes her head.

"Disposition." Meredith corrects her.

"Oh. Okay. On it." Maggie clicks on the tab. "Looks like criminal proceedings have been concluded and...indefinitely postponed."

"That means the trial's been canceled." Lexie says.

"Which means that Alex took a plea, which means that Alex is in prison." Meredith says her worst fear is coming to life.

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