Car Wrecks and New Residents

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Gen's POV

"How is the research going?"

"O...Dad, what are you doing here? I thought you were at therapy." I hug my father as I take a step away from my work.

"I got finished early, and I thought I could treat you for lunch

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"I got finished early, and I thought I could treat you for lunch."

"I have so much work and..."

"And taking a step back can help. I have the driver and at your favorite place." I smile and take my dad's hand.

"Let me lock up the lab, and I'll be right out."

"Perfect, darling." He kisses my cheek and slowly heads out back to the car. I look at my work, feeling frustrated that I'm at a standstill. I made such huge strides, and now it's nothing. I'm missing something, and I don't know what it is. I walk outside and climb into the back of the car sitting next to my dad, who is starting to look frail due to his disease. I hate seeing him like this because time is not on our side.

"You work too hard, Gennie."

"Someone has to work so we can find a cure." I remind him.

"Don't find it for me. Find it for others."

"I would like to find it for you too, dad." He shakes his head.

"I've lived a long and wonderful life. Save your energy for those who matter."

"Dad." I take his hand in mine, and his tremors start, and he has to pull away. "You matter to me. I know I haven't always shown it, but...these past few years, developing a relationship has meant a lot to me."

"It's wonderful to reconnect with my children before I die." I hear the sadness in his voice. We pull up to the restaurant. "Ginger, go treat yourself for the rest of the day." My dad tells his driver.

"Are you sure, Mr. Benoist?"

"Absolutely. Gennie and I can make it back home on our own." He smiles at me.

"I'll have my husband pick us up. Say hello to the kids Ginger."

"I will, Gen. And thank you again for letting Fallon's class to tour the hospital."

"Loved having them." I help my dad out of the car, and we head inside for a relaxing lunch.

"How has it been with balancing work, research, and life?" Dad asks me.

"Easier now that Mark has his memories back but harder because the kids are getting older and are in more activities. The things with Alex are stressing me out."

"Does he have a court date?"

"Not yet. They are still in negotiations with the prosecution, but it doesn't look good for Alex."

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