Run While You Can

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Just a reminder this is still a chapter dealing with abuse so if that triggers you please skip this chapter and the next one.

3rd Person's POV

"Glasses passed out again." Meredith shares with Gen. "Thankfully, he was O neg, so he could donate blood to my patient since we're locked out of the blood bank." Meredith looks at Gen, noticing something is off with her person. "Are you..."

"Jo's ex is here." Alex runs up to them, out of breath.

"I know. I just operated with him." Gen shares.

"What?!" Meredith and Alex say in unison.

"He's a psychopath."

"I picked up on that, and I might have told him to go fuck himself."

"Oh, you definitely told him to fuck himself." Meredith states.

"Yeah...I...I did." Gen admits. "He had a lot to say about her."

"Like what?" Alex asks.

"It's not true." Jo states as she comes around the corner with Helm not far behind her. Her voice is shaky. "He takes the truth, but he...he twists it and changes it to fit his own story. It's not... it's not true." She explains, hoping her people will believe her. Meredith approaches Jo first and places her hands on both arms.

"You are Jo Wilson. I know exactly who you are." Meredith states. Gen walks forward and takes one of Jo's hands.

"You don't have to defend yourself to us

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"You don't have to defend yourself to us. We believe you. We will always believe you. We love you." Jo starts to cry. Meredith and Gen bring her in for a group hug.

"It's okay." Meredith comforts Jo. They bring Jo up to the gallery to talk through how she wants to handle the situation. The two interns Alex ordered to find Jo and not leave her side are following his instructions too well.

"I think we can call them off." Jo tells Alex annoyed. "Helm hasn't let me out of her sight."

"She was just following orders."

"She followed me into the bathroom. The actual stall." Jo explains.

"Hey." Meredith greets the interns. "You guys can leave. Thank you." The interns leave, giving them all space.

"Look, I would have come myself, but I was stuck in surgery." Alex states.

"How's Frankie?"

"He's okay. We were able to stop the bleeding from his AVM in time."

"How do you want to handle this?" Gen asks Jo. "I can get you the best lawyer on the west coast who can file a restraining order and make sure he doesn't harass you, or his career would be in danger." She offers.

"I want to be divorced." Jo answers. "I want to never see his face ever again."

"I'm coming with you for that." Alex states.

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