Change Is Never Easy

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My guilty pleasure is still watching the early seasons of Grey's and remembering the magic the show used to have.

Mark's POV

"She will be back." I reassure Amy who is losing her mind after Betty ran away.

"I barely know her and yet..." She paces around the kitchen. "I'm worried about her."

"It's okay to be worried. You saw a kid who is going through a very similar situation you had to overcome and you know the dangers she can get herself into." I remind her.

"How do you deal with this?"

"With what?"

"The constant worrying?" She clarifies. "I mean you have five kids. Which is five times the amount of worrying do you do it?"

"Well as a parent you never stop worrying. No matter how old they get." I answer.

"So you're saying I'll be this hot mess forever?"

"She's not your kid Amy."

"I know that." She mutters quietly to herself.

"Amy, even though you're in recovery and have gone through the steps doesn't mean you can help Betty."

"Are you saying I don't have what it takes to be a sponsor?"

"Far from it. But I remember when a younger version of yourself refused help from those close to her and in the end you had to be the one who wanted the help for it to work. If she's not ready to get help then forcing her will just cause her to run when things get hard."

"I thought I could relate to her and get her to understand that she can change her life and make it better before it turns out how mine did." Amy sits down with me.

"The struggles you've been through Amy have made you an amazing person and kick-ass surgeon. Sometimes people have to struggle for a bit before they try to come up for air." I explain.

"But if I could help her avoid all of that then..."

"We know even someone who comes from the most perfect of backgrounds that addiction will still find them. It's a disease and it only takes one time for it to take over." I remind her and she nods in agreement.

"I just wish she would come home and...I just want to know she's okay."

"Welcome to the world of being a parent." I tell her.

"Did you always know you wanted five kids?" She asks me.

"No. Not even in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be a father. Sure I thought eventually I would settle down with someone for a few years, but younger me would never have thought this would be my life."

"You impress me all the time. Mark Sloan is finally all grown up." She compliments me.

"Don't say that. Someone might hear you." I tease and she laughs. "Are you okay playing house with Major Ginger?" I ask.


"What? You broke up with him for valid reasons and now that he's adopted a baby you're right back to living with him and co-parenting. Just want to make sure you're okay with this."

"I'm fine with it or I wouldn't have offered to help." Amy assures me.

"It's okay to admit that you still love him." I tell her.


"For the longest time, I told myself and others that I didn't love Gen when we weren't together. I thought the more I said it the more I would believe it, but...being around her made me love her more."

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