Judgment Day

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I hope you all enjoy this fun update.

3rd Person's POV

Amelia was able to recruit Jackson to speak with Dr. Rebecca Froy about her apprehension about Harper Avery Hospital. "Okay, so what exactly is the problem then, or what was the problem?" Jackson asks Dr. Froy.

"I really can't say." Dr. Froy replies.

"I'm just trying to help here. So did you use to work for us?" Jackson asks. "Or is this a non-compete situation?"

"No, I mean I cannot say. I signed a legal agreement that says that I can't talk about the legal agreement that I signed." Dr. Froy explains the even more confusing situation

"Okay, well my grandfather has passed, so you can feel free to discuss anything with me." Dr. Froy signs off the video call. "Where'd she go?" Jackson asks confused.

"This is what she does." Lexie exclaims.

"What? That's rude. We'll get somebody else, then." Jackson says like it's that easy.

"No, there is no one else. We need her." Amelia states. "We can't look at Alex and tell him that we're done trying to save his favorite patient."

"We're so close Jackson. And the research Dr. Froy is doing could be the difference in life or death for our patient." Lexie adds.

"We need here." Amelia repeats.

"Okay fine. I will see what I can do." Jackson leaves his meeting with Amelia and Lexie to find his mom leaving Ollie's room. "How's he doing?" He asks her.

"Well, he'd be doing a lot better if I could get him to take a walk, get some air. I'm gonna get him a hot meal. Even if he doesn't eat it, at least I'll feel like I'm doing something." Catherine explains.

"Right. Hey, have you heard of Dr. Rebecca Froy, a Neuroscientist based out of Chicago?" Jackson asks her.


"Well Shepherd and Lexie Grey wanted to meet with her about her ultrasound work, but when she heard we were a Harper Avery hospital, she canceled. I guess she signed some agreement with Grandfather?" Jackson explains the situation to her.

"I think I do remember that. Yeah, some dust-up over research. Harper took her to court. She lost. End of story. You know how your grandfather loved a fight."

Jackson takes what his mother told him and comes up with a solution. He checks on her again, but this time with a coffee. "Mocha. Extra shot." He hands her the treat.

"You're such a good boy." Catherine appreciates the sweet gesture. She kisses his cheek.

"How's she doing?" Jackson asks regarding Ollie.

"She takes about one breath a minute. It's very slow, very painful. Not for her. For Richard."

"Sorry to hear that. Well, you let me know if there's anything else I can do. Oh, I spoke to Evan in legal about the Rebecca Froy thing."

"Oh, leave that alone, honey. It's not worth your time." Catherine tells her.

"Well, Shepherd and Grey are trying to save children with brain tumors, Mom." Jackson defends his involvement. "Some petty fight over research should not get in the way of that. I've asked the lawyers to waive whatever agreement Harper made with her."

"You did what?" Catherine is trying to hold back her worry.

"Yeah. Took five minutes. Handled." Jackson kisses his mother on the cheek. Catherine has something else to worry about because Jackson has no idea what he just set into motion.

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