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Sorry for the long wait in between updates but I was spending much needed quality time with family. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think and predict for the rest of the season in the comments.

3rd Person POV

Gen resigning was something Bailey nor Catherine never saw coming. This is something they weren't prepared for and have no way to handle it. "I cannot believe you allowed her to talk to you that way." Catherine scolds Bailey as they try and figure out what to do next.

"She will come to her senses. Just because she said she quit doesn't mean she won't come back. I..." Bailey is pacing, not sure what to do. "She would not do that to me. I raised her better than that."

"Well, it seems like you didn't raise her at all." Catherine comments. "She came in here thinking she could do and say anything and had no care in the world."

"Benoist is a good doctor. She's an amazing surgeon and an even better person. I...I will talk to her."

"You will do no such thing." Catherine orders. "We have damage control Bailey."

"Damage?' Catherine motions to the window, and Bailey follows. Catherine moves the blinds enough so Bailey can see the chaos that is happening in the hospital. "The news of Benoist quitting is spreading, and this hospital is losing it's damn mind."

"Benoist, quit!" An intern yells as they keep running. People are talking amongst themselves, not sure of what to do.

"It will be fine. We will make it through the..."

"You need to replace Benoist now." Catherine says.

"Replace?" Bailey looks at her like she's insane. "She's the only triple board-certified surgeon in the country. How do we replace her?"

"I don't care who, but you best find a replacement now."


"Bailey, this is your ship, and it's sinking." Catherine gathers her things and leaves Bailey's office.

"That's right; it's my ship." Bailey rubs her temples, frustrated with what's going on.

"Hey!" Lexie is running at full speed towards her colleagues that she doesn't see Arizona, and they collide with each other.

"Grey, watch where you're going." Arizona exclaims. She looks down, and her leg popped out of its socket, along with Lexie's arm being detached from its joint.

"You two okay?" Owen asks as he helps his friends up.

"I was until Grey crashed into me." Arizona complains.

"Sorry, but I had..." Lexie is trying to catch her breath. "Sorry, I ran all the way up five flights and..."

"Grey, deep breath." Owen instructs her, and she tries to calm her breathing.

"Why were you running?" Arizona asks.

"Do you guys not know?"

"Know what?" Owen and Arizona ask.

"Benoist quit."


"We need to get this trademarked." Mark says to Jackson during their surgery.

"It is a beautiful technique." Jackson comments.

"And no one can do it like us." Mark boasts.

"How would we trademark it?" Jackson inquiries.

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