Taking Responsibility

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I hope you all enjoy this update.

3rd Person's POV

Webber and Bailey have the meeting with Dr. Roy regarding his termination from the residency program. Bailey would rather be anywhere else but here. "After much soul searching on the part of my client..."

"Brother." Bailey reminds everyone of the relationship between the client and the legal representative.

"He has arrived at a request we think is more than generous. He is willing to return to work immediately with pay for the weeks he has missed, free medical expenses for the accident, and...a formal apology...from the chief." Webber chuckles at the demands.

"That sounds more than reasonable."

"We'll take that under advisement. Thank you for your time." Bailey exits the meeting abruptly. Webber follows after her.

"Bailey." She stops walking. "All the boy wants is an apology. Do you know how much worse this could be?"

"You know, I am a big believer in the power of words and an even bigger believer in the power of a good apology. But I will not sully my belief in those two things by putting fake words into some forced apology to a person who is in the wrong!"

"Roy made a mistake, a grave one. But it's...it's possible I overcorrected in firing him."

"You did no such thing!" Bailey exclaims to him. "If he had operated under the con..."

"But he didn't! But you know who has operated in this hospital knowingly under the influence? Me." Webber reminds her. "You gonna fire me, too?"

"Now that's just manipulative. This has nothing to do with you."

Bailey wants to prove her point to Webber that firing Dr. Roy was not without just cause. Dr. Schmitt is the first of their intern on their list of character witnesses for their case. "Don't be nervous Dr. Schmitt." Bailey tells him. "I'll be talking with all of your colleagues. And for the moment, these conversations are off the record. Okay."

"Okay?" Schmitt seems nervous as usual.

"So, how would you describe your experience working with Dr. Vikram Roy?" Bailey gets right to the point. "Especially any mistakes or...gross incompetence you may have witnessed."

"If you're asking if I think you made the wrong decision firing him, I don't." Bailey looks to Webber telling him she was right. "It was the right call. If the Chief of Surgery can admit to being high, so should an intern." Bailey's eyes widen as Schmitt has now gone too far. He chuckles just remembering that day. "And I watched you. I watched you stare into the abyss of a patient you'd opened up higher than a kite, for what felt like an eternity." Webber is enjoying this retelling. "But you made the right call. That is leadership, on drugs or not."

"Your Honor." Webber whispers to Bailey and she swats him away.

"You may leave Schmitt."

"Really because I cou..."

"Now." Schmitt scrambles out almost falling on his face.

"What where you're going, Schmitt!" Gen scolds him.

"Benoist!" Bailey yanks her colleague into the room.

"Whoa, this is..."

"Dr. Roy and his lawyer brother are demanding a formal apology from me in regards to Dr. Webber firing him." Bailey states.

"The one who ate weed cookies and knowingly practiced medicine despite being given an out?"

"Yes, that one. And he's making it seem like he's doing me a favor and I just have to beg him back.

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