Chapter Three: Unveiling the Truth

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[Luna's POV]

Trent sat me down on the couch, his expression odd, like he was bracing himself. "I need you to tell me—how do you know Darius?"

The silence between us felt heavy, so I stood up, moving closer to him. It's always been just the two of us. I know all of Trent's friends. "Answer me, Trent. I know everyone you hang out with. So who is Darius?"

Trent sighed and sat down beside me, taking my hand. "Luna, I think you might be tired. Darius has been my friend for years. Maybe you've just forgotten."

I stared at him, feeling offended. Is he seriously trying to gaslight me? I taught him how to gaslight. How dare he!

"Don't you dare try that on me right now," I snapped. "I know that's not true. I would remember all your friends, especially one that hot."

Trent gave me a questioning look and sighed again. Seriously, what was his problem with all these sighs? I was getting annoyed at him hiding things from me, especially after I saw him bow his head and called Darius "Alpha."

He stood up, walked over to the cabinet, and pulled out a small wooden box. "I haven't been completely honest with you, little sister."

I shot him a look that said, You think?

He sat back down, placed the box on the table in front of me, and nudged me to open it. Inside were a few photographs, old and worn. I recognized our parents, but they were surrounded by dozens of people. Mum had a flower crown on her head, but that wasn't the weird part—my parents' eyes were glowing. Dad's eyes were a bright yellow, and Mum's were a light purple, almost white. Lilac, maybe?

I turned to Trent, completely confused. "Who are these people with Mum and Dad? And why do their eyes look like that? Dad's eyes are yellow, and Mum's are purple. And who is that baby Mum is holding?"

"Whoa, slow down, little sister," Trent said, raising his hands. "I can't keep up with all your questions. Don't worry, I'm going to answer them all, but you have to promise me you won't freak out."

I nodded, still staring at him, waiting for him to continue. He sighs again whilst moving closer towards me. I swear to god if I hear another sigh I am going too lose it.

Trent grabbed my hand before speaking. "The people you see in the picture with our parents are our pack. Dad has yellow eyes because he is a werewolf." He paused, looking at me with a worried expression, probably afraid I would freak out.

I nodded, trying to process what he had just said while feeling a storm of emotions inside. Everything I believed was suddenly in question.

"Our mother, as you can see, has different eyes—purple. She's our pack witch. She can't shape-shift into a werewolf, but she possesses all the powers of a werewolf and more," Trent continued.

"Wait, let me get this straight: Mum's a witch and Dad's a werewolf? How could I not have known or noticed this?" I asked, my voice tinged with betrayal. The revelation felt like a lie that had overshadowed my entire life.

"You didn't notice because we left the pack when you were a baby. There was a war going on at the time, and to keep you safe, Mum had to hide our identities. The baby Mum was holding in the picture was you," Trent explained with a sigh.

"Why weren't you in the picture?" I asked, puzzled.

"I was," he replied, pointing to a picture of a little boy standing next to Dad, with sparkling blue eyes.

"This picture was taken moments before we left Malaga for here. We had to flee from a rival family who was looking for you," Trent said, his eyes filled with sadness. "I had blue eyes because I was made a beta at a young age to protect you. I had a direct line of communication with our Alpha at the time, Marvolo Black."

"So, Mum and Dad's frequent visits to Malaga were to visit the pack? And why was the rival family after me?" I asked, overwhelmed with questions.

Trent sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. "No, Mum and Dad aren't in Malaga. They're actually still in town, just not home. Mum was summoned to help out with the pack. Everyone is here now."

I gave Trent a confused look. "Here?"

"Yes, here in this town," Trent confirmed. "The reason the rival family wants you isn't for me to say. Darius can explain that when you're ready."

With that, Trent stood up and left. As he walked out the door, I sat on the couch, my mind racing with unanswered questions. What am I? Who is Darius? Trent mentioned 'our Alpha at that time'—so who is the Alpha now? Is it Darius? Why did Trent leave without providing more answers? My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

I moved towards the door and opened it. There he was—Darius.

[Trent's POV]

As I stepped out of the house, I felt a heavy weight settle on my shoulders. Leaving Luna with those revelations was tougher than I had anticipated. I knew the truth would hit her hard, but I had hoped she would take it with a bit more composure. Her anger and confusion were palpable, and it was breaking my heart to see her like this.

I walked down the street, the chill of the evening air doing little to clear the fog of worry in my mind. Luna was always so strong, so self-assured, and seeing her crumble under the weight of our family's secrets made me feel like I'd failed her. I had hoped to shield her from this world for as long as possible, but it was becoming clear that her place in it was inevitable.

Darius was the next piece of this puzzle. He was more than just an enigmatic new kid at school; he was an integral part of our world. The Alpha, no less. I needed him to step up now and help Luna make sense of the chaos. I trusted Darius to be patient and gentle with her. He understood the complexities of our world far better than I did. His role wasn't just to lead but to protect and guide, and Luna needed that guidance more than ever.

I couldn't help but think about the rival family. What did they want with Luna? And why did they pose such a threat? My own role as a beta was a burden I carried willingly, but it was Luna's safety that mattered most. I had hoped that by keeping her away from the pack and the dangers that came with it, she'd be safe. But now, it seemed like the danger had caught up with us.

I made my way to the meeting spot where I was supposed to meet with the pack members to discuss our next steps. Each step felt like a march toward an uncertain future. My thoughts kept drifting back to Luna—her questions, her pain, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead. I hoped that in time, she would find her place in this world and come to understand and accept her heritage.

As I arrived at the meeting spot, I saw the familiar faces of the pack members waiting for me. Their concerned looks mirrored my own worries. I took a deep breath, ready to focus on the tasks at hand, but my mind was still with Luna. She was out there, trying to piece together a world she had only just begun to understand. I could only hope that she would find the strength to face it, with Darius by her side to help her through the storm.


After years of leaving this app behind, I am finally back and hopefully to finish this book... OOOOO a cliffhanger, are you ready for what is to come?

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