Chapter Fifteen: Prelude to the Crown: Secrets and Surprises

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[Luna's POV]

The castle was alive with energy as the preparations for my coronation surged into full swing. Every corner was filled with the hum of activity, and the air was thick with anticipation and the scent of fresh flowers. Freya, Darius's mother, had taken the reins with a level of precision that was both impressive and overwhelming. Her presence commanded the room as she oversaw every detail, ensuring that nothing was left to chance.

Lydia and my Mum had been swept up in the whirlwind of preparation. They were scattered throughout the castle, each contributing their expertise and opinions on everything from decorations to ceremonial rites. The room was a cacophony of clashing fabrics, shimmering sequins, and the rustle of elaborate robes being measured and fitted.

I stood in the middle of this organized chaos, feeling like a mere spectator in my own grand event. The sheer scale of the preparations was dizzying. Flowers were being arranged into intricate patterns, each petal carefully placed to create a stunning visual effect. Freya hovered over the florist, her voice a soft murmur as she discussed the perfect shades of colors and combinations. Across the room, Lydia and Mum were deep in discussion, arguing over which fabric swatch would best complement the ceremony robes.

I felt a pang of helplessness. My role seemed to be reduced to that of a bystander, surrounded by a whirlwind of activity. It was both thrilling and overwhelming, and I found myself struggling to keep up with the pace of it all.

"Are coronations always this... grand?" I asked Freya, my eyes wide as I surveyed the rows of decorations being set up. The opulence of the scene was almost too much to take in all at once.

Freya turned to me with a soft, knowing smile. There was a warmth in her gaze that was both comforting and enigmatic. "Not always. But this isn't just a coronation. It's more significant for a future Luna like yourself."

Her words piqued my curiosity. I frowned, feeling a knot of confusion tighten in my chest. "What do you mean?"

Freya's smile widened, and there was a glint of mischief in her eyes. "It's also a union ceremony, dear. The coronation of the Luna is traditionally paired with the formal bond of the Alpha and Luna."

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a jolt of panic. "Wait, what?" My voice came out a little more high-pitched than I intended. "You mean this is... a wedding?"

Freya nodded casually, as if she had just announced that the sky was blue. "Yes, of course. Didn't Darius tell you?"

My hands flew to my face in disbelief, my mind racing. This wasn't just a leadership ceremony—it was a wedding?! My heart was pounding, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. "No! He most certainly did not!" I turned on my heels, my eyes scanning the room frantically. "Where is Darius?"

I caught sight of him entering the hall, engaged in a casual conversation with one of the pack elders. Without thinking, I shouted his name, my voice cutting through the noise of the room. "Darius!"

Heads turned in my direction as Darius looked up, startled by my outburst. He excused himself from the elder and quickly made his way over to me. His brow furrowed with concern as he took in my wide-eyed expression.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. "You look... surprised."

"What's wrong? Darius, Freya just told me this coronation is also a wedding!" I stared at him in shock, my voice trembling with a mix of frustration and incredulity. "Did you seriously think I wouldn't notice?"

Darius blinked, his eyes widening slightly. A sheepish look crossed his face as he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable. "Uh... I thought you knew?"

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