Chapter Nineteen: Threads of Fate

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[Luna's POV]

As the first rays of dawn crept through the windows, I found myself standing at the threshold of the Elder's hall, my heart racing with a mixture of anticipation and fear. The events of the night still clung to me—my first shift, the overwhelming connection to the pack, and the weight of my newfound responsibilities as Luna. But none of that compared to the apprehension I felt now, knowing I was about to embark on a journey to harness the powers that had been stirring inside me for so long.

Darius stood by my side, his presence a calming force in the storm of my thoughts. His hand rested at the small of my back, steady and reassuring. "You'll be fine, little wolf," he murmured, his voice soft but full of confidence. "My mother and yours will be there to guide you. And the Elders—well, they've been waiting for this day as much as you have."

I nodded, grateful for his support. But there was no denying the gravity of what was about to happen. This wasn't just about me learning to control my powers—it was about understanding what I truly was.

As we entered the hall, the weight of ancient magic settled over me. The room was vast, with high ceilings and walls etched with intricate symbols, glowing faintly in the dim light. At the center stood the Elders, their presence commanding and serene, though there was a palpable sense of expectation in the air. Darius's mother, Freya, stood among them, her piercing yellow-red eyes watching me intently. Beside her was my own mother, Dahlia, her regal figure bathed in the soft purple glow of her power.

"Luna," one of the Elders greeted me, his voice echoing through the hall. "Today marks the beginning of your true path. You have always been destined for greatness, but now it is time for you to understand the full extent of your power."

My gaze flickered to Mum and Freya, both of them watching me with the same intensity. This wasn't just about being a Lycan witch like my mother. This was something far greater.

Freya stepped forward, her presence commanding yet warm. "You are not just a Lycan witch, Luna. You are the first of your kind—something we haven't seen in generations." Her eyes glimmered with a mixture of pride and something deeper, something that made my skin tingle. "You are a sorceress wolf. The power you hold is far beyond what you've been taught to believe. You can cast magic, manipulate the elements, and create life itself. But these abilities come with great responsibility."

My breath caught in my throat. A sorceress wolf? I had never heard of such a thing. Even in all the tales my mother had told me about the power of witches in our bloodline, none had ever mentioned this.

Dahlia stepped beside Freya, her purple eyes glowing with the same magic that coursed through my veins. "You are a bridge, Luna, between the old magic of the witches and the strength of the Lycans. This is why your powers have been so difficult to control—they are ancient, wild, and powerful beyond measure. But you will learn. We will teach you."

My legs felt shaky, the weight of their words pressing down on me. I was more than just a witch. More than just a Luna. I was something entirely new, a force of magic and strength combined. And the world would look to me for more than leadership—it would look to me for protection, for creation, for balance.

The Elders began to chant, their voices low and melodic, filling the room with a hum of energy. Mum and Freya guided me to the center of the hall, their hands warm and steady on my arms. I could feel the magic in the air, thick and potent, wrapping around me like a cloak. My own power stirred in response, buzzing beneath my skin, eager to be unleashed.

"Close your eyes," Freya instructed gently. "Feel the power within you. Let it rise, but do not fear it. You are in control."

I did as she said, my heart pounding in my chest. At first, all I felt was the familiar hum of energy that had always been with me, the same magic I had felt in small bursts throughout my life. But as I focused, something deeper stirred. It was as though a door had been opened inside me, and the power that rushed through was unlike anything I had ever felt before. It was ancient and raw, a river of magic that flowed through my veins with relentless force.

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