Chapter Two: The Alpha Revelation

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[Luna's POV]

I haven't had a pinch of sleep since yesterday's event. After seeing the guy from my dream right in front of me, I blacked out. When I woke up in my bed, I learned I had fainted, and my brother Trent had to fetch me from school. Apparently, I was out cold, and the nurse told Trent it was likely due to fatigue and stress, advising me to get as much rest as possible. But I was sure that wasn't it. I fainted because of the utter shock that the man I had been seeing in my dreams wasn't just a figment of my imagination—he was real.

Did he know I'd been dreaming about him? From the intense stare he gave me before I blacked out, it seemed like he did. That thought embarrassed me. How am I supposed to face him now? Maybe I should relax. He couldn't possibly know... right?

Groaning, I dragged myself out of bed and checked the time. I hadn't slept at all, except for the blackout, which lasted six hours. Now I had less than an hour to get ready for school. Glancing at my phone, I saw nine missed calls and 47 messages—all from Lydia. Half were asking if I was okay, and the other half was her fangirling over Mr. Evans, our math teacher. She complained I wasn't there to share in the excitement. She's the one who does all the fangirling; I just entertain her inevitable heartbreak. Did she really think she had a shot with our teacher? Still, I love my dysfunctional best friend, even with her unrealistic obsession.

I got dressed, choosing a high-waisted skater skirt, a black tank top, and a flannel shirt tied around the middle, paired with vintage boots. Trent insisted on driving me to school today, worried I might faint again. I told him I was fine, but protective big brothers can be annoyingly persistent. As we pulled up to the school, Lydia was already waiting for me in the parking lot. It was as if she had radar.

"I'm fine, thank you, Lydia. Such a wonderful way to be greeted in the morning," I said sarcastically as I walked past her. She immediately launched into a rant about some girl in class getting more attention from Carlisle, her crush,  and how she wanted to slap that "man-stealing pig." I zoned her out, as I always do, while my eyes nervously scanned for him. And as if I had summoned him, there he was, emerging from the hallway.

The smell of pinewood and aftershave filled my nostrils, and my insides did somersaults. I'm not exaggerating; just his scent made me want to kiss him. He looked right at me, gave a subtle smirk, then turned and walked away. I decided to ignore it. I was probably just imagining things, given how much I had been thinking about him.

When I walked into homeroom, I felt it immediately—that familiar sensation that told me he was in the room. It's weird, but every fiber of my being knew he was near. Sure enough, I spotted him sitting next to my usual seat.

"Oh my god, Luna, hottie at three o'clock sitting next to your or should I say my, seat!" Lydia whispered excitedly. I shrugged nonchalantly, though my heart was pounding. I moved slowly, avoiding looking directly at him. As I sat down, I could feel his eyes on me.

"Hi, I'm Darius," I heard him whisper. My hands got sweaty with him being so close.

"Hi, I'm Luna. Nice to meet you," I managed to reply with a smile. He smiled back and leaned away, giving me some much-needed space.

Our homeroom teacher began talking about upcoming school events, but I couldn't focus. My mind was entirely on the guy next to me, and my anxiety made me start picking at my nails. Suddenly, I felt his hand gently covering mine.

"Stop picking your nails, princess. You might hurt yourself," he whispered, his breath fanning my cheek. My breath hitched, not just because he was touching my hand, but because of how close he was. And he called me princess. How could one simple word affect me so much?

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