🍂🍁Chapter 11🍁🍂

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When Jimin wake up he couldn't see anything.

That's surprised him a little, he tried to remember what had led him to this situation, but his heat filled mind could recall only bits and pieces of the event.

He had sex with this Taehyung guy and getting exhausted with his antics, and that's it. Then when and how did he get in the bed!!

Jimin tried to get up, but he couldn't, and the clinking of chains sounded near his head. He was in chains! He wiggled his body only to find him chained to the said bed. Naked.

Okay, Jimin, Don't panic! Everything is going to alright. You're just blindfolded and chained to a bed, naked, in an unknown location, having sex with strangers, with little memory of the events.

And then he heard footsteps.

"Oh I see you're awake, Pumpkin." It was a man's voice, deep and rich, making Jimin tremble. The man skimmed his fingers lightly over Jimin's skin.

Yeah, fuck that shit. Panic, Jimin, panic! But the bird named PANIC didn't even show up.

But before he could open his mouth to moan, his blindfold was removed and his voice caught in his throat.

It was the alpha whom Jimin was first attracted to and being drawn toward his scent to.

The man in-front of him was beautiful. Tall and muscular. His hight complemented his broad shoulders and muscled chest. Short and silver hair framed a strong, square-jawed face which had a cute dimple on it. His eyes Jimin thought, was black, but he could not be sure. And he was naked.

Jimin's eyes widened. The guy was packing down there. It wasn't too hard for Jimin to figure out exactly what was happening to him. He moved his legs toward himself to get away from the alpha.

"Don't be afraid Omega. I won't do anything you won't like." The mysterious alpha pulled his legs down and straddled him, making sure not to crush the delicate omega beneath him.

A rush of heat surged through the said omega making him a whimpering mess.

"You're so pretty omega," the man's fingers ghosted over Jimin's flushed face. "I've been watching you this whole time." The man frowned; his dark eyes pierced through him make him shudder. The man chuckled, but his eyes were cold. This close, Jimin realised that the man's eyes were deep blue.

"I didn't like the way those boys looked at you, the way they touch you." The alpha caressed Jimin's face.

"What- what boys?" Jimin dared to ask.

The alpha's handsome face hardened. "Jungkook and Taehyung," he spat out. "I know I shouldn't envy them but I do and I didn't like that either and now you're gonna be mine."

Jimin trembled, though whether in fear or excitement, he didn't know.

"Please don't hurt me," Jimin breathed out shakily.

"Oh, no, no, no, Sweetheart. I won't ever hurt you." The man cupped his face. "Never you."

"Let me go please," Jimin begged. "Whoever you are, just please, let me go!"

The alpha chuckled darkly. "The name's Namjoon, sweetheart."

The man, Namjoon, pressed more of his weight on Jimin, and gripped his face firmly.

Jimin squirmed, tried to pry his face away. "No, Please, unlock these!" he squeaked, but it was futile. He was powerless against his heat filled hazed mind.

Namjoon captured Jimin's lips with his firm ones, one of his hands roaming down and planting firmly on Jimin's lean chest.

Jimin admitted to himself, quite grudgingly, that Namjoon was a masterful kisser. No. I shouldn't like this. I shouldn't want this! But I want this. I need this! His clouded mind playing tricks with him! Pushing and pulling into the reality and fantasy!

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