🍂🍁Chapter 29🍁🍂

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Taehyung handed off a bottle of cold water to Jimin as checked for damage. He appeared unharmed, though weariness in his eyes showed that he'd missed sleep again, and the way he drank said he hadn't stayed hydrated.

This omega has no idea how to take care of himself and the baby, does he?

The alphas seemed really annoyed, because no one said anything while driving back home. Just take a glance at Jimin here and there.

Jimin on the other hand sitting silently in the back of the car between Hoseok and Jin in case he's decided to jump from the car out of irritation.

They'd came straight to their house.

All of them sitting in the living room... some sat on the couch and others either on chairs or preferred to stand.

"Where did running off to?" Yoongi asked in a low tone from beside him on the couch.

"I was coming to see you."

Suddenly Jungkook opened his backpack and pulled out a bag of Pilule and place it on the table. "So it seems then care to explain why you have so many illegal Suppressants?"

Jimin wouldn't meet Jungkook's gaze. "I didn't want to risk going into heat again, not after what happened last time. And medical store won't provide more than two." The lie was so easy to spot, but no one called him on it directly.

"You won't need them, Sweetheart, not while you're pregnant! And the smell of these chemicals is harmful for the baby, you know that. right?" Jin stroked his hair lightly while talking. 

Jimin just stare at the ground without utter a word, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"By the way, you have enough here for months of treatment... for at least four omegas, all separated out into individual bags. I'm sure they aren't for you." Jungkook remained on the outskirts of the conversation leaning against the kitchen counter as if he knew how nervous he made the omega. "Add to that the young omega, Mina, I think, we spotted her with you twice, now, and I'm going to venture a guess you're still doing that job knowing the risks for you and the baby."

Ah, there went her shoulders. It hadn't been hard to guess but confirmation sat in the tension running through him. He didn't need to admit it because his actions gave him away.

Hoseok crouch down in front of Jimin and set a hand on his knee. "Don't worry. We aren't trying to harm them. We only want to keep you safe. We heard from Jin hyung you're planning on running again and the amount of medication you're dropping off confirmed it. may i know why?"

Jimin took another sip, then set the glass on the table. His gaze locked on Hoseok's hand. "I can't stay."

"Why not? What is after you?"

"Besides you six?" Jimin snickered and immediately bite his tongue, hormones acting up funny he thought. 


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