🍂🍁Chapter 13🍁🍂

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Jimin woke to something pressed to his mouth. When cold water touched his lips, he parted them and drank.

"Neither of you take good enough care of an omega." The voice was new, not Jungkook or Taehyung neither Namjoon nor Hoseok or Yoongi. The sixth man? The one who warned them? The one gave permission!

"You worry too much. Omegas are tougher than you think."

Jimin opened his eyes when the alpha pulled the water away to find himself on a low bed, covered with a fluffy blanket, stretched out, the last man perched beside him.

"You weren't out long. Just dozed for about twenty minutes." He set the cup aside, then ran his fingers through the omega's hair. "How are you feeling?"

Jimin used his tongue to wet his bottom lip as he decided. "Okay," he said, his voice soft and unsure. He sat between two points, still drugged enough by his heat to not panic but clear-headed enough to know he should.

The unknown alpha's lips spread into a smile, a kinder one than he'd seen prior. "Good." He pulled a breath through his nose, slow and deep. After a moment, he shook his head. "You're not finished yet, omega. Your heat isn't quite over." He set a hand to her lower stomach, his palm cool against her heated skin, then pressed to massage there.

The action had Jimin gasping, his body sore and tired but unsated.

He stopped, sliding his hand to Jimin's hip and offering a purr. "It's okay, love. Easy. I thought you'd be sore by now. My friends aren't known for being gentle."

As Jimin woke more, as the touch of the alphas fingers and his scent surrounded him, he found his heat rising again. It threatened to pull Jimin beneath its waves again.

The man's lips quirked, the smile nothing like the other six. "Your pupils are dilating, and your breathing is speeding. You're feeling it, aren't you?"

Jimin arched into the touch, his damp thighs rubbing against each other as the hormones that drove his heat increased, as they dragged him under the weight of nature.

The man leaned in and pressed his forehead to Jimin's, the action surprisingly sweet given their position, given all that had happened. Sweat and cum covered him, but he nuzzled the omega as if they were lovers, as though he mattered, as if this entire thing wasn't the clusterfuck it was. He tasted Jimin, running his tongue along the seam where his lips pressed together. Even before he could part them, he pulled back.

"Doesn't matter if he's sore, Jin hyung. You know damn well what he needs. Trying to keep it from him just because he's sore is going to hurt him more in the long run," said Jungkook, who leaned against the wall, dark eyes intense enough to unnerve Jimin.

Jin, the man with him, didn't respond to Jungkook. Instead, he looked at Jimin as if he couldn't pull his gaze free. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you." He scooted down the low bed, placing his hands on his inner thighs to spread his legs wide. He traced along his skin, a sweet stroke that drew shivers. "You hurt now, but soon all those hormones will surge and you won't be sore at all. You won't feel anything but good. Do you trust me?"

Did he? Jimin shook her head. He didn't trust anyone, least of all alphas he didn't know. Alphas couldn't be trusted, no matter how sweet their smiles or words or how useful their dicks.

He paused, the smile sliding from his lips. He rubbed small circles on his knees with his thumbs. "I suppose that's to be expected, given the circumstances. Just try, just for a while, to trust me." His hands were large enough to dwarf Jimin as he swept them from his knees to the juncture of his body and back again. He shifted down to Jimin's body until his knees rested on the floor, his upper body braced over the bed. The position placed his face above his hole. His breath blew over him, chilling him as the alpha spoke. "Relax. You've earned it."

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