🍂🍁Chapter 22🍁🍂

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The morning was incredible. Jin's presence was definitely comforting to Jimin, since he knew that he wasn't going to end up lost again.

Jin took him to a creek which was his one of the favourite resting places the woods because it was so tranquil that you can feel relaxation which was almost magical.

Jimin felt a little self-conscious, because Jin was sitting patiently waiting on him as he observed every single different plant and animal track that he could. He was reminded of Jimin of a couple he met when he was at the mall with his brother and his mate. The fawn-haired omega had a lots of brand new cloths in her hand as she goes into the changing booth. She was taking forever, and the alpha get so impatient. He was tapping his feet, look at his watch, and sigh. Each sigh was louder than the last. Jimin wanted a home something like that.

Jin promised that he was okay though, so Jimin took him at his word. None of the six men seemed like they would ever say something they didn't mean. So, when he told Jimin it was time to head back for lunch, he was really disappointed. He didn't want to left the place just yet because of the peace he felt.

However, he did promise to bring him back any time. He was about to lead the way, but suddenly turn around and taken Jimin completely off guard when he put his hands on his face and kissed him. His kiss was delicious.

His lips were hard against Jimin. As if letting him know that he was possessing the omega – his body, his thoughts, his mouth. His thrust his tongue into Jimin's mouth and taste the hot cavern. He stroked the top of his tongue and then rubbed underneath. His tongue danced wildly, teasing and exploring the cavity, moaning as he did so, letting the omega know that he found the kiss as exciting as he did.

When the kiss finally broke, he grabbed Jimin's hand and led him back to the cabin.

Jimin took a sneak peek at his pants, and judging by the huge bulge the omega was sure he's on the menu for lunch. Not that he was complaining though.

Jin wasted no time when they got back. It seems as though their clothes vanished by some magic the moment they stepped through the front door. Jimin stood in the foyer, which was warm.

Jin pushed him in the door, mouth once again captured the omega's. He reached down and began to rub his crotch as Jimin gasped and moaned. Jin's wet and warm mouth invaded to Jimin's welcoming one, thrusting his tongue in and out as though he were mimicking the actions his cock would soon take.

Jimin could barely breath from the sensations that exploded in his body, melting him. His knees buckle. But Hoseok caught him just in time before he could fall on the floor and chuckled, "That good huh?"

Jimin was just stand there and blushed. Jin picked him up and take him to the living room which was warmer than the foyer and Taehyung and Hoseok followed suit.

Jin sat on the couch with Jimin on his lap kissing and licking on the omega's jaw and neck and the omega started grinding on him. Jin sucked on a sensitive spot on his neck and jimin moaned at the feeling. He tilting his head backwards, hands on the massive chest of the alpha while he doing his ministrations on his body.

He was still sore from previous evening's activities but soon as the alphas started to touch him, the soreness disappeared, and replaced with the flames of desire.

The smell of the burning woods from the previous night filled the air and combined with the scent of want.

They were so occupied in their moaning and groaning while they take their beautiful omega that they didn't realize that the omega came for the umpteenth time, as his body shook and was about to go limp as they pour their hot liquid inside his womb. But Taehyung was fast to recover from his high and catch the omega before he fell and hurt himself.

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