🍂🍁Chapter 14🍁🍂

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Jungkook trailed his fingers over the omega's hip as he watched him sleep. He was surrounded by his tantalizing grapefruit-jasmine scent which had soaked into each crevice of the bedroom.

He'd never manage to sleep in here again without growing hard, without thinking about this beautiful omega, his body, his taste, the bite of his nails as he'd demanded more. Each look at this bed, at the couch, the wall--- it all would only make him reply the night in his head. He'd see him bent over the corner table before him. he'd remember how he'd looked, curvy thighs spread as Taehyung had plunged into him before him, his back against the wall, legs wrapped around his hips. They were images he'd never shake.

Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi passed out on the couch, their exhausted snores a testament to how hard each had worked to satisfy the needy omega.

Even though six of them cared for him, an omega's heat not for the weak. His body had screamed at him, and he'd used his teeth and nails to satisfy it. They'd taken turns, letting him settle before his body had grown hot again, as his thighs had drenched and rubbed together, signaling another rising wave of need. Each time, someone had come forward, ready to offer whatever he needed. By the morning, they'd all be sore.

While they'd taken omegas in the past, they'd never done so with one in heat. That had risks too high.

Who is he?

Why was he in that alley in such a condition?

What was he even doing there at night?

Why the hell had they reacted the way they had?

Sure, instinct had had something to do with it. Any alpha would struggle to turn down a omega in in heat. They hurt when not satisfied, when an alpha failed to knot them, and some could even risk harm or death if they'd put it off too long. He couldn't imagine leaving one to suffer, even if he could have denied the demanding instinct inside him.

Judging from the flush on his face, from the hours it had taken before the heat had started to wane, he'd waited way too fucking long, for his first heat.

That alone had him tightening a hand on her hip. Why would he in that horrid place and not somewhere safe during his first heat? Where was he running of to with that duffle bag? WHY?

It went beyond understanding with him, however. It morphed into anger, into frustration. What if they hadn't come in time? What if he had gone into full heat around those horrible alphas? The ones who would have abused him? Hurt him? Taken advantage of the situation?

When in heat, an omega had no defense, no power, nothing. They became slaves to their needs and instinct.

He shook his head and eased his grip when the omega released a pained whine in his sleep.

His own exhaustion pulled at him, reminding him that while Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin had already fallen asleep, he needed rest as well. He'd waited, held off until he couldn't any longer, his muscles sore and fatigue making his eyelids heavy.

Finally, he gave in to it. He settled on the one side of the bed, the pillow below the omega's head, his arm around her. He pulled in a last deep breath, allowing his intoxicating scent to mark him deeper than he'd thought possible.

He needed all his energy because when they woke, they had an omega to deal with, and he suspected the omega would prove quite the handful.


The light didn't wake Jimin. Neither did the awkward position he slept in, or the stickiness on his thighs and body, or the alluring scent of alphas, or even the soreness in every muscle he had.

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