🍂🍁Chapter 25🍁🍂

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The six alphas sat on the waiting room chairs. Waiting for their omega to gain consciousness. It's been, so far, thirty-six hours since Jimin lost consciousness on that fateful night. Just thinking about the moment made their eyes blurry with tears.

"He shouldn't have gone through this. He didn't deserve this. How could I've let him get hurt like this?" Jungkook began to mutter himself as dread set in him. the other five alphas not so good either. Hoseok and Jin who got a little injury in their neck went silent since they got the news. Yoongi and Namjoon constantly cursing under their breath. Taehyung on the other hand cried like a child, his eyes got red and puffy. the sadness in the air made them loose their mind.

Few hours earlier:

"Excuse me..." A chubby nurse came to the waiting room called out while reading from the clipboard... "Who is the alpha of the omega patient named Jimin?"

All six ears perked up at the mention of the omega. "We all are. How is he?" They said in unison.

The nurse frowned.

"Then I assume you all are the father of the baby!!!," the nurse narrowed her eyes almost like judging them.

"BABY!? What BABY?" Namjoon almost shouted but controlled himself when the nurse glared.

"Your omega is pregnant, almost seven weeks along. But it's a miracle that the baby survived the collision. Usually, in such cases patients got a miscarriage." The nurse said indifferently.

And the six alphas looked at each other, fully known that the mysterious looking two-colored crystal Jimin chose done its magic.

Back to present:

It's early afternoon and their alpha pride was battling with their sissy and crying self. Jungkook sniffled one last time then looked up and closed his eyes trying to calm his nerves and repeating the same words like a mantra.

Everything will be okay.

Everything has to be okay.

They both have be okay.

"Mister..." the same chubby nurse came into the waiting room and got still, confused maybe. "Uhmm... Alphas, you can see Jimin now."

They all nodded in recognition as they walked quickly to Jimin's hospital ward.

The nurse followed and began explaining what was happening.

"Understand that he was in a coma so please don't bombard him with hugs and emotions or certain information or questions. The critical period is over so if you don't trigger him he should be fine." The nurse said while holding open the ward door.

They stopped on their track when they saw Jimin laying down on the bed attached to various machines and in the background, there was two beeping noises that represent his and the baby's heartbeat.

Jungkook sprint forward and sat a chair by the bed while the others surround him and the omega. Minutes later his face crinkled up as he was waking up from his frozen state.

Hope, Relief, Happiness flowed through their veins which could be shown in all six faces as their tense muscles relaxed.

Jimin's eyes fluttered open and the alphas were dying to hug him, take him home and pamper him to rotten. They want everything to go back to the way it was.

Jungkook very gently hold his hand and asked, "Jimin. Baby, how are you feeling?"

A confused expression crossed his face and then the panic strike in when he looked at the Jungkook and then the others.

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