🍂🍁Chapter 50🍁🍂

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Jimin sat in the car. He'd taken Yoongi's car to his apartment office, then picked up Lila's old car. They'd probably placed a tracker on theirs after he'd stolen Hoseok's.


He doubted they'd have messed with Yoongi's one, though.

Still, making himself leave it, forcing himself to step out of it, out of this safety gave him pause. A deep breath and the memory of Mina's voice in his ear got the omega to move.

No message had come from any of the alpha, which told him the alphas hadn't reached home yet. A part of him was sorry for that, sorry for everything, sorry for his unborn pup to be unable to brought him to the world safely. He didn't want things to be over.

He didn't want to lose any of the them including the life growing inside of him. he caresses his rounded belly and felt a kick. he wanted a loving family which he never had. But things are not that easy for omegas like him.

The note said what it needed to, but it wasn't enough. If he wasn't so sure one of them would figure out a way to track his phone, he'd have called them. He wanted to say so much more. He wanted to tell them how sorry he was. He wanted to hear their voices. He wanted to hear the nicknames the alphas gave him, like Pumpkin, Sweetheart, Love, Baby. Hell, he even wanted to hear Jungkook just growl out Omega at him.

But that wasn't going to happen. There wasn't time and, hell, he might lose his nerve if he heard their voices. If he had to listen to them, he might decide he couldn't lose that. Maybe the guilt of leaving them behind would give him second thoughts.

No, better to do this way, the clean way. They could move on, find someone else, someone less broken, could have a lot of pups, have a family.

But just the thought of his alphas mate someone else and breed them make the pregnant omega's blood boil. He felt chest tightened painfully as if he couldn't breathe enough.

The omega couldn't dwell on those painful thoughts and leave the car. The cold air struck his face as he headed toward the empty office building. The perfect place for what the killer had planned. No one around. Dark. Deserted.

Still, he pushed on. The code the door was dark, and the door opened with a creak. Inside, a sickening scent bombarded his nostrils.

Fear. Heat. Alpha. That pheromone from Lila's place, the one he knew now to be lab grown, soaked into the walls of the place. Mina was there, and a whine from inside pulled Jimin forward.

Jimin rushed through the hallway, at least as much fast as he could with his huge belly, following the scent, the sound, terrified he was too late.

As he passed a corner, he felt a hand pressed a wet cloth over his face, a bitter scent invaded his mind.

With that everything went black.


Jimin left the house. While it unnerved Jungkook, while he hated the idea of his heavily pregnant omega went outside alone, other alphas convinced him that it was a good sign.

He'd decided to go somewhere. He had taken Yoongi's car after he had received a call. They might have thought the omega would run for good if it wasn't for the note he'd scribbled and left on the kitchen island, though the resolution of the inside cameras lacked the ability to read the writing.

They all thought he'd go to his apartment, but he hadn't shown there. He could have gone to that younger omega's house named Mina or to the Omega Ring and since they hadn't known where she lived or where it was, it wouldn't help.

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