🍂🍁Chapter 45🍁🍂

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Jungkook couldn't shake Jimin's words.

I hate you.

He'd said it with conviction, then said nothing. Jungkook had pulled in his temper enough to get Lisa over there.

Seojin turned himself in, submitting to a DNA test, willing to sit in jail until the result came back. It seemed he wasn't the killer, that the other employee could be, but that didn't matter right then.

Instead, only the omega seated on the couch, staring at the fall wall mattered. He hadn't said another thing, hadn't paid attention to questions asked. He hadn't fought them when they'd gotten him into the car, hadn't listened when Jungkook had to apologize for his threats over the phone.

he wasn't afraid. He wasn't angry. Everything had just bled out of him.

it was as though he'd broken, as it he'd just stopped.

Not that it had eased the tension they each carried from yet another brush with death. There wasn't a way for any of them to pretend they hadn't bonded, and that bond demanded action in response to this, to Jimin's actions, to the risk.

They'd felt it after he'd been hurt, but this time? This time it clawed deeper. They'd each been with Jimin, had solidified their bond... not mated, yes but strongly bonded, sure. And now he'd put himself in danger and defied them.

The alphas could see the same tension inside each one of them, who paced, steps heavy, hands stretching and drawing into fists. Even the cheery Hoseok wasn't immune, though he leaned against the wall, gaze hard and locked on the omega.

Still, none of them dared to approached the omega. One wrong move and it could all go bad, even worse. How the hell were they suppose to get past that?

Namjoon spoke first. "Jungkook told you come back."

The omega didn't respond.

The alpha walked up, pulling the omega to his feet by an arm. He leaned in until their noses brushed, "he told you to come back here, Pumpkin. You could have gotten yourself killed!"


The answer only drove higher tension in the room, the way he didn't care. They could have lost him... him and the pup and he didn't care. He didn't throw the word back as a smart ass. He really didn't give a fuck they could have lost him or the baby. What were they to do with that?

Jungkook's lips peeled off his teeth. "So, that doesn't work for me... doesn't work for any of us. Losing you and the pup to your own bad choices isn't okay with me." he marched up to the omega and turn him around to face him. he curled his fingers into the omega's hair as if the touch could elicit something from him, anything from him. the alpha needed something from him beyond this shell, needed to get him to react. He'd take fear if it broke through whatever this was.

Jimin stared back at him as though it didn't matter, as though nothing mattered.

"You have people who worry about you, who care about you. You have a life dependent on you. Does that mean nothing to you?"

Blank eyes met Jungkook's. that was worse than anything. They held none of the spark he'd known, no fear, no joy, no anger. Nothing at all, as if it had all drained away, as if they had emptied her. Hell, he was like the corpse they'd been afraid the omega would become.

Jungkook took a step closer until he was near enough the omega could smell him. "You need us. You've bonded to us and the pup whether you want to admit it or not. You need us, Jimin.

Still no response, but Jimin's nostrils flared. He could smell the alpha, and a moment later, the alpha could smell him, too. That delicious tangerine and jasmine scent that said he grew wet for him, that his pregnancy hormones prepared his body for him. The pup needed it's father's warmth.

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