🍂🍁Chapter 19🍁🍂

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A hot shower sounded like heaven to Jimin. He had been so cold that he felt as though his bones were still chilled, despite the roaring fire the men had going in the living room and Taehyng and Hoseok's body heat.

Thinking about the giant sexy men sitting next to him, casually stroking his leg gave him goosebumps and made his body quiver. Nobody touched him before except these gorgeous men.

He reminded himself that he had been roaming around the woods all day and had dried blood and cum all over his body which made him nauseated. He was pretty sure he looked like a mess. He could imagine rivers of grime pouring off of him as the soapy water cascaded around him.

Taehyung came into the bathroom to check the water.

"I was wondering if you guys happened to have an extra toothbrush?" Jimin asked, shyly. He was the kind of person who hated to ask anyone for anything, but at this moment, given the fact that his mouth tasted like he had been eating cow dung, he felt that the necessity overran the rudeness of asking for things.

But instead of Taehyng Hoseok came into the bathroom with a brand-new toothbrush and some toothpaste. He took it out of the package for Jimin, and watched him brushed his teeth, as though he were mesmerized. Jimin didn't know if he was making sure he did it right and brushed for the full two minutes or if he was just dazing off into space like he caught himself doing, sometimes.

When the alpha decided the water was perfect, he left so that Jimin could get undressed and hop in. the omega simply stood under the hot waterfall. It felt so good that he thought he could stay there forever. He knew that he needed to get clean and get out, but he kept telling himself "Just one more minute." 

Jimin know that he should have been shocked, but he really wasn't when the shower curtain opened and a naked Yoongi stepped inside with the same naked hoseok and Taehyng

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Jimin know that he should have been shocked, but he really wasn't when the shower curtain opened and a naked Yoongi stepped inside with the same naked hoseok and Taehyng. He knew These men were incredibly sexy, but with a sane mind Jimin could feel the alphas already took his breath away.

Suddenly, it occurred to him that he was stark naked in front of this godlike men. The omega gasped and crossed his arms over his chest and pressed his legs together.

Yoongi pulled his arms away. "You are so amazingly sexy. Don't hide yourself from us six, Okay? We all think you are beautiful. I think you are even more gorgeous than I imagined."

Jimin was still tense, but let his arms hang to his sides. They had seen him naked before but still he felt exposed, which was awkward.

Hoseok brushed the back of his hand against his cheek and kissed him gently, and lightly. It was a chaste kiss, but it held so much promise. Now Jimin can tell that his adventure in life was just getting started.

"Turn around," Hoseok said.

Jimin did as he asked, and he heard Taehyung and Yoongi chuckle as the alpha took down his hair. He showed Jimin a leaf and said, "I guess you were in the woods so long that you started to turn into a tree."

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