🍂🍁Chapter 47🍁🍂

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Coffee couldn't chase away the wariness that dragged on the Yoongi

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Coffee couldn't chase away the wariness that dragged on the Yoongi. He'd slept three hours, and he'd tossed for most of those.

They'd rotated turns watching over Jimin, in case he woke and wanted any of them, not that they kidded themselves into thinking so. Still, the way he'd cried in the bed, the way his shoulders had shaken, it had torn their hearts.

After all the shit he'd been through, he hadn't fallen apart. A few tears here and there, sure, but the heartbroken sobs? No. His father hadn't been able to broken him. running and surviving on his own hadn't broken him too.

They'd broken him, though, and it made sleep impossible.

Jungkook walked in, dark circles beneath his eyes as bad as any of them. Seemed no one had slept. He poured himself a cup of coffee and took two big gulps of it black.

"Is now when I say I told you so?" Jin spoke while entering the kitchen.

Jungkook turned a glare on him, setting the cup down. "Really? Is this the time for that?"

"No. It was time when I told you I didn't think it was a good idea. Now? Now we're past that time."

Jungkook's lip pulled up. "Don't act like it was all me. you all agreed to keep it from him for the same reasons."

"And look where we are now." Namjoon exhale a breath of frustration.

"We'll get her to forgive us." Jungkook said it obstinately.

"You think? Because I watched him cry while fucking slept. The boy I saw last night doesn't seem too willing to forgive anyone." This time Taehyung barked.

Tension rose between them, something that rarely happened. So many years together and most things swept away without trouble, yet this? They snarled at one another.

The reason seemed obvious. Their mate slept in the other room, and they couldn't fix it. They couldn't fix his anger or his hurt. They couldn't get close to their pup. They couldn't fight him for that, so they'd fight with one another.

"So what do you think? We could have told him from the start, then he'd have run off then. That better?"

"If we told him, maybe he'd have listened! He wouldn't have put himself in that danger because he'd have trusted us. This went to shit because YOU didn't trust he'd stay."

"So it's my fault?" Jungkook took a step forward, rolling his shoulder.

And Taehyung knew it wasn't solely Jungkook's fault, not really. He'd never have lied to Jimin without all of them agreeing, but to hell with it. Taehyung wanted to blame someone, and Jungkook was as good as anyone else. At least they knew they wouldn't kill anyone else.

"Maybe you're not as smart as you think." Taehyung came forward as well until they're nose to nose. "And now we're all paying the price."

"Right, just lay it on me. don't take any responsibility for yourself."

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