🍂🍁Chapter 44🍁🍂

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Jimin sat at the house alone, the men having left to respond to some problem at work they currently handle

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Jimin sat at the house alone, the men having left to respond to some problem at work they currently handle.

It left him on his own, but he didn't mind. It gave him time to move through the space, to decide if he could make it into a home.

Which was a joke, because it already felt like one. His coffee cup had joined the men's, his space carved into the home beside theirs, even the nursery for the pup is almost ready. There was always a place set for him, they always made him feel welcome, pampered. Each day that passed, he got more comfortable.

He spent time with each of the men, them staggering their days off, trading off lunch breaks. Each relationship developed with time, each different, each exactly what it needed to be.

Jimin smiled as he thought about them. Jin and Yoongi, always worrying and checking on him, Taehyung and Hoseok are trying to pull him into fun, into shenanigans and Namjoon is always serious and watching over all of them and be steady. But Jungkook? He was the one who's rough on fringes but soft on the inside. He'd curl up with the alpha when he got home, usually later than anyone else, and the tension would slip from the man as if the omega eased his inner alpha wolf.

The place already was home, and more of one than he'd ever had before. Jimin couldn't remember being happy like that, feeling safe. They'd created a space where he could let his guard down, where he walked around barefoot and pregnant, where he didn't jump and cringe at every sound. It was a life the omega never thought he could have; one he'd never expected.

The work on Lila's killer was moving slowly, but Jimin didn't mind. As guilty as he felt at times, he found himself reluctant to go further.

Things fell into place so right, so easy, and it terrified him they might end up with a problem between them.

What if the men turned the killer over to the royal guards? What if the guards let him go? Jimin couldn't let it go, could he? He'd sworn to take care Lila, and he'd already failed her once.

He couldn't fail him again.

The ringing of the house phone had the omega's lips pulling into a smile. He waddled through the house, ready to hear Jungkook's voice telling him to be careful and answer his phone, as Jimin often missed his calls, much to the alpha's annoyance.

Jimin picked up the phone on the counter. "Hello?"

The voice responded wasn't Jungkook. It wasn't anyone he recognized. It was a female voice. "Oh, hello. Is this Jimin?"

Jimin's back straightened, and he took a step backward as if the voice stood in the room with him. "Who is this?"

A soft girlish laugh. "Relax. My name is Lalisa Manoban, Lisa in short. I'm a friend of Jungkook's. He's been working with me on the case of your friend, Lila. I'm sorry for your loss, of course."

Jimin tightened her fingers on the phone, her gaze down. Jungkook hadn't mentioned talking to a detective. He'd said they still waited on the security files. Why wouldn't he have told him that? "Right, of course. I'm sorry, I was just surprised you knew my name."

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