🍂🍁Chapter 40🍁🍂

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"If you don't stop hovering

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"If you don't stop hovering..." Jimin left the threat hanging between him and Taehyung. "You'll what? Taehyung's eyebrow lifted, amusement across his face as he called the omega's bluff.

"I'll stop sleeping with you."

"You know what I learned about negotiations, love? Never make a threat you can't follow through on, because then your opponent won't take you seriously."

Jimin tucked his clothing into the dresser in his room.

He stumbled at that. His room? Was he thinking about it as his room? Still, in the short time he'd spent there, it had already changed. A nicer comforter had been placed one the soft bed, one that held the scent of all six men. It was thicker, chasing away the chills of the nights. New clothing had appeared in the closet every now and then, things similar to what he wore, ones holding different scents as if each man had picked out items. From Jin, simple jeans with tears on the knees. Jungkook had added some oversized t-shirts and hoodies. Namjoon added some large soft sweater. Yoongi gave him some button-down shirts, just because he looks delicious in shirts. Taehyung was more on the formal side... suits and all, No surprise. But Hoseok on the other hand had left some sleepwear, and the one caught his eyes was a red lace nightie that would show his ass if he bent forward.

They all said the same thing... the men wanted him to stay.

While they didn't force the omega, didn't pressure him, they wanted him. they did whatever they could to make him feel comfortable and welcomed. Food he wanted to eat appeared in the fridge and the shelves of the kitchen, before he even asked for it, telling him that one of the alpha bring it because they think he might like it.

It all made Jimin feel wanted, something he'd never experienced.

Owned, needed, sure, but never wanted.

"You don't think I could cut you off?" Jimin sassed at the alpha who sat on his bed.

"No, love. I'm pretty sure I could convince you otherwise."

Jimin shut the drawer, wincing at the way his side ached.

As quickly as it happened, Taehyung was there. he took the last items from his hand and set them on top the dresser. "You are done."

"I've still got more to do."

"No, you don't. I will finish it for you, or you will do it later. Come on, lie down." He guided Jimin to the bed and maneuvered him until the omega sat on the bed, his legs forward. Taehyung's hands went to his ankles and worked off his shoes.

"I'm not an invalid."

"No." he dropped his sneakers on the ground before pulling off his socks as well. "However, you were injured pretty badly and you're still healing. You're lucky we let you do some chores but you need to take it easy."

"I'm fine. I don't need to be taken care of."

"But I enjoy it. I don't enjoy the reason that you're hurting, but I do like taking care of you. It's been a while since I've had someone to take care of."

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