🍂🍁Chapter 24🍁🍂

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Jimin wake up in a cold bed and instantly missed the alphas warmth. He sighed and about stood up when nausea hit him again... he couldn't do anything other than run to bathroom. After emptying his stomach and brushed his teeth he decided to talk to the alphas. Though he was unsure of the situation, he just wanted to taste the water.

What Jimin doesn't know that the alphas were also decided to spend the day with him. when he came down to the kitchen it smells like waffles and banana milk and his stomach grumbles.

After breakfast, they all asked Jimin if he was up for going somewhere with them. He enthusiastically said that he was. He grabbed one of Yoongi's flannel shirts to wear as a jacket. He was the smallest of the six of them, but the shirt still reach past his thighs.

"We're going to have to take you to get your own jacket," Namjoon commented. Jimin nodded and smiled sadly at him. Namjoon wondered what that smile meant but he decided not to ask him, because he had an idea what caused it. That was something that the six of them could talk to the omega about later. Namjoon grabbed his hand, and the seven of them headed out the door. They all got in the car and Jungkook starts the engine. Jimin continuously looked around him, watching the moving scenery but the alphas can feel he's restless about something. Occasionally, he took a glance at Jungkook. Try to gauge his reaction.

Around noon, they stopped by the edge of the forest and take a narrow road to reach a stream and had a picnic. Which was really surprising to Jimin. They had packed some pizzas, strawberries, chips and a couple cans of soda.

Jimin wasn't one of those people who felt as though they needed to talk continuously to fill the silence. He didn't say much either. He mostly just looked around and occasionally asked questions here and there. but what make the alphas happy that at least he enjoyed the food and the atmosphere.

They reached their destination right after they finished eating. Deep in the woods, where very few people had gone to, was a large cave filled with crystals of different colours.

As soon as Jimin walked into the cave, he gasped and said, "Oh my Luna. This is so beautiful. Absolutely magical."

He slowly walked deeper into the cave, taking in the huge crystals that grew from the ground and came down from the ceiling

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He slowly walked deeper into the cave, taking in the huge crystals that grew from the ground and came down from the ceiling. He examined each one, exclaiming "They are beautiful. This cave comes straight out of a fairy tale. Now I know that I have been dreaming the entire time."

The alphas chuckled and simply watching him.

Jimin bent over and picked up a couple of the loose crystals that were lying on the ground. He looked at the light through them, looked at the alphas through them, and then looked into the underground river. Then, he carefully set each one in the exact same spot that he found it.

That spoke a lot about him. He valued nature and our ancestors. He honoured it.

"This cave is very sacred to our people. We believe that the crystals are part of the reason why we are so powerful and that our clan has lasted since the dawn of time. When we are confused, tired, or stressed, we come here to mediate," Namjoon told him, watching him carefully to see how he would react to this information and he did not disappoint them.

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