🍂🍁Chapter 20🍁🍂

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Taehyung turned off the shower and opened the curtains. Jimin stepped out of the shower into a large, warm towel, that completely enveloped him. Jin grabbed another towel, and began to gently squeeze the water from his hair with it while Jungkook patted his legs and feet dry so he wouldn't drip.

The alphas escorted him into a bedroom that was almost completely taken up by a large bed which was very familiar to Jimin. Jungkook sat on the bed and spread his legs. It was then that the omega noticed that he had his shirt off and his jeans were unbuttoned.

The smirk that spread across his face told Jimin that he heard the moan that escaped from him, as he took in one of the most gorgeous sights I had ever seen. He was built even more than the other five, and to be honest, Jimin couldn't have said which one of them was sexier.

He patted the bed between his legs, and Jimin obediently sat. Jungkook gently held a lock of hair and brushed it, carefully getting the tangles out without pulling it. The sensation was so relaxing that if it wasn't for the fact that he was in the presence of such sexy men and that his body was aching in desire, he would have been lulled asleep.

Taehyung and Hoseok appeared a moment later, still completely naked. Even though Jimin's hands were all over them minutes before, he was suddenly felt so shy that he blushed furiously.

Jin who was also discarded his cloths, leaned over and gently kissed Jimin's lips before saying, "Don't worry, Love. You'll be seeing a lot more than this before this evening is done."

Kneeling down, he began to massage Jimin's feet and legs. He hadn't realized how sore they were from all the walking he had done. The moan escape from his lips was from a combination of his sore muscles being massaged and the sight of this naked warrior godlike man on his knees, touching him.

As Jungkook brushed his hair and Jin massaged further up my legs, Namjoon walked in. He, too, was shirtless and had his jeans unbuttoned and unzipped. The largest of these six men, he certainly was the embodiment of Jupiter, the god of the Roman gods.

He didn't seem to notice that his appearance had taken Jimin's breath away, as he casually sat in a large, overstuffed chair.

Jungkook's movements had stopped and Jimin leaned his head against Yoongi's chest as Jin continued to move up his legs to his inner thighs. The omega didn't even notice when hoseok also joined in the massage game. Jungkook slowly unwrapped the towel from Jimin, exposing his attractive body and semi hardened member. Once again, Jimin automatically lifted him arms to cover it but Jungkook block his hands with his own.

Jungkook held his hands behind his back and nipped his ear and then whispered, "It's glorious."

Jin spread his legs apart. Heat flushed his face while Yoongi played with his torso. Jimin never felt this exposed in his life, at least not in his sound mind.

He didn't have time to think about his shyness however, as Jin leaned in and take his entire cock in his mouth sucked it a little harder.

"Oh, my heavens," Jimin cried out, as his mouth doing its magic.

Jungkook and Taehuyng's thumbs had found his nipples, which were still hard rose buds. Lightly, they brushed their thumbs back and forth over them, sending searing electrical shocks through the omega's body. Yoongi kissed the back of his neck and nibbled his ears while others rubbing the tight nips.

hoseok used his hands to squeeze his thighs and gently rubbed them.

"Mmm, that is so...wow," Jimin breathed.

Jin continued to lick and suck his dick, causing the raging inferno inside of him go grow hotter and hotter.

Namjoon got up and stood behind Jin and hoseok. Slowly he pushed his jeans down and stepped out of them. The man's legs were beautiful columns, but that wasn't what held the omega's attention. His cock, that was at least as long and thick as Taehyung's jutted proudly from his midsection. Jimin looked at it and looked at him in wonder.

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