🍂🍁Chapter 27🍁🍂

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"I was fifteen when my brother got mated with an awful alpha. Honestly speaking my father sell him to that man in return of a huge sum of money. Then his eyes caught me and look at irony of fate, he even got a buyer for me, an unknown person, at double the price. But I wasn't old enough to have my heat, so my father forcefully fed me Bolus." Jimin pause for a second and heard a series of gasp. 

"But Bolus is illegal and gave it to a minor is pure crime. You could've been dead... didn't he know that?" Yoongi blared, fumed in anger.

The omega took a glance at him, eyes gloomy and stated again, "He knows it could kill me because whenever I took that drug it felt like my whole inside set on fire and I scream and writhe in agonizing pain for hours but still he fed me that nasty thing. I didn't know what to expect at that point and truth to be told stopped caring about what was coming. and If I protest, he beat me up to the point when I was just a breathing creature. That bastard just wanted me to be his mate and made me a breeding machine just like my brother against my will, and you know what, my father was too happy to let it happen because he paid him enough".

"How long?" Hoseok's coaxing voice compelled him to continue.

"Five Years. I have to take that drug for five years. Five years of being locked inside a prison like house, five years of bruises and screaming and insults. Five years of being a lab rat, testing every fucking illegal thing that start my heat. Five years when no one cared what those two monsters did to me because they were alphas and I was just an omega and that was my place in life. You know, when the accident occurred, he was taking me to get a shot of new kind of drug they invented, which can kick start my heat as well as prolonged its time period, so that alphas can enjoy and be satisfied with me. Funny right?"

Jimin gripped the fork so hard, it cut through his skin, some drops of blood escaped from his fist and dripping on the marble surface of the table but he couldn't release it, couldn't stop his words. "And don't tell me that was just one. I've helped omegas. I've seen them beaten and raped and murdered and even worst, committing suicide with an unborn child inside of them, just because they can't handle the torture. I've seen shells of people left over and cops do nothing. I've seen omegas handed over like property. You guys are different and I'm lucky but can you blame me for not trusting you enough from the start or not believing it?"

Something touched Jimin's hand and he jumped. Taehyung handed him a napkin and it was only then he realized the wetness that track down his cheeks and the red wetness that comes out of his palm both dripping. He used the cloth to wipe away the tears and pressed against his wound. He looked down to hide his face.

It shamed him worse than anything else. He wanted to picked himself up and build a loving life, wanted to help others and yet there he was, broken.

And they saw it. That hurt the worst, that these men who had all the power in the world got to see him break down, got to see the scars he carried that never healed.

Jimin felt his stomach churn. He pushed the seat back and stood, gaze down, unable to face any of them. "Sorry," he mumbled, moving away from the table. "I'm sorry. I'm going to the bathroom." And with that he bolted towards the door, hands pressed to his mouth. 

No one spoke as he left, or maybe they did but he couldn't hear it over the screaming in his own head. Why had he said a word? Why had he told them anything?

The reason was obvious. Whatever he had with them, the baby that has growing inside, terrified him, and the topic of Lila's death was opening all those wounds.

He shut the door to the bathroom behind him and kneeled in front of a toilet bowl, emptying his stomach. After he finished, he turned the water on to splash his face. A face, blotchy from tears and eyes rimmed in red met him in the mirror, and no matter how much he told himself he didn't care how to looked to any of those men, it wasn't true.

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