🍂🍁Chapter 38🍁🍂

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Jimin thought

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Jimin thought... while he'd been angry about his behavior, he'd never actually felt unsafe. Not with any of them.

So, while Jungkook might seemed like other alphas had been, while he was many things the omega thought dangerous, he'd come to realize the alpha was the only safe thing in his life. That was something worth holding on to.

Jungkook moved his hand from Jimin's hip to graze up his soft inner thigh. The sharp intake of breath said he'd found the omega wore nothing but the shirt. The inhalation turned into growl so low and deep Jimin might have been backed away in any other circumstances.

Not that Jungkook gave him a chance. He took the hand from his thigh and wrapped around his hair, the action causing Jimin's head to tilt back slightly.it again reminded him how different they all were. It wasn't the guiding hand of the other five, but Jungkook's way of holding him still. It tugged against his scalp, but when Jimin might have moaned before, he winced.

Jungkook frowned and released his hair. "Tell me."

"Don't pull my hair." At Jungkook's confusion Jimin continued. "The alpha pulled it and dragged me, and now my scalp is sore."

Anger flicked through his dark eyes, sparking and making Jimin glad the alpha wasn't directing it at him. Jungkook slipped a hand behind the omega's neck and angled his head down to press a kiss. "Sorry omega," he whispered against his hair while the other hand caressing his belly. "I should have been faster."

Jimin lifted his head, startled by the honest regret there. instead of letting the alpha dwell in it, he shifted his hips forward so Jungkook's fingers brushed his bare thighs. "Keep going," Jimin murmured against the alpha's ear.

At that, Jungkook's lips tipped up. One of the rare smiles he offered but his rough fingers doing the opposite to him and it's teased Jimin more, but who was he kidding? He didn't need teasing, didn't need anything to get him ready. He'd been lying in bed, considering hiding for longer, until he'd looked out the window to see the alpha sitting there.

He'd known before he'd left the room the he wanted this man, in fact, a part of him wanted his alpha to be rough. He wanted that side of him, the one that took, the one he could give with. How many people could he feel that safe with? Bryce took, but only as much as the alpha knew he could give. He was someone Jimin could offer anything of himself without restriction because he'd never take too much, never harm her. He wanted to know what it felt like to walk into the house on a night when the alpha was wound up, when he needed him. Jimin wanted to feel him shove him against the wall, to pin him with a hand to his throat, to fuck him like they both needed.

Jungkook wouldn't treat him like he was fragile, because he knew he had strength. The alpha trusted he could take it and gave him something he got nowhere else.

"What are you thinking?" He pressed two thick fingers into him.

"That I like this rough side of you."

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