03|| The 'Living Dead'

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I looked at my watch and it's already 9:30 in the evening and I'm still here at school. My extra classes just ended.

"Hey Lia! Are you zoning out again?" Eli asked and stood beside me.

"No, I'm not. I'm just waiting for my dad" I replied.

"I see. Are you okay in here by yourself?" she asked again, looking at my eyes with a smile. I nodded as a response.

"Okay. Lee Soo Hyun is still inside so you can just wait for her. It's getting late so I'll go first" she added.

"Okay. See you tomorrow" I answered. As she turn her back at me, I noticed something in her cheeks.

"Wait Eli!" I halted. She instantly looked back at me and raised her eyebrow.


"Your cheeks!"

She slowly wiped her palm in her cheeks and saw the bleeding.

"Are you okay?!" I yelled to reassure she's fine.

"It's just a little cut. I'll take care of it at home!" she replied and waved her hands goodbye at me.

Not even a minute, I saw my dad's car coming. I waved my hands high at the air and saw him smiled at me. I quickly ran towards the car and put my backpack at the backseat.

"Am I too late?" dad asked. I smiled at him and shook my head.

"Then let's go home. I cooked something for you" he replied when I suddenly remembered something.

"Oh wait! I'll come back immediately. I forgot my diary at the classroom."

"What? How can you forget your things? Go on and I'll wait for you in here" he responded and sighed.

I ran into the classroom and gladly, the guard is still not roaming around. I happily got my diary and was about to go out when I heard an unusual thing again. This time, I can hear someone hardly breathing and suddenly stopped.

My body went cold and I started to sweat heavily. I turned around slowly and my eyes fastly dropped on the cabinet at the back beside our lockers.

I slowly walked towards the cabinet. My heart feels heavy like anytime, it would pop out. I took a deep breath and opened it.

I quickly covered my mouth when Lee Soo Hyun's body crashed into the ground bathing in her own blood.

T....... Two...... Holes...

Again in the neck.....

I took my phone inside my pocket with a shaky hands and tried to call the police but my phone slipped from my hand.

I turned around to leave but I bumped into someone.

"It's not me! It's not me! I just saw her in here! Please don't report me to the police!" I begged thinking he was the guard but I received no response. I slightly opened my eyes and saw a tall and fine young man, looking at me in front.

He is wearing a doctor's gown fully coated in his body and barefooted. Is he the one I saw early in the morning today?

Looking at his face is confusing. His face is pretty familiar.

"You're familiar. Where did I saw you?" I asked and pointed my finger at my chin and start to recall my memories.

"Morgue" he coldly replied.

"Yeah you're right!" I snapped my finger and pointed my index finger at him with a laugh.

While looking at him, my smile totally dropped. My body turned cold again and heavy sweats started to fall.

"I--n t-the w-what?" I stuttered still focusing my eyes on him. He is right! The missing body and him totally look a like.

What does this mean? How could a dead body appear in front of me looking fine?

Too much silence filled the surrounding. It was broke only when I started to hear whistle.

It was the guard!

He's now on curfew.

I looked at the man in front. He seems to be lost in here. He would be the one to be questioned and be framed once he is caught by the guard. I looked down on Soo Hyun and checked her pulse but she is no longer alive.

"Forgive me but we must escape" I apologized and held his hand.

I bite my lips when I felt his hands are so cold. I ignored it and we both ran through the hallway to avoid the guard no matter what.


They are in the middle of the staircase when the man stopped. Lia instantly looked back at him.

"What are you doing? You can't just stand in there?" Lia scolded and used her both hands to pull him but he is too strong for her.

"Cooommmeee ooonnn!!!" Lia said and pulled him using her full strength but he is never moved neither an inch nor centimeter.

'Hey' the man whispered in Lia's thought again. Lia froze and slowly tilted her head looking at him.

He pulled her close and bowed just the exact height of Lia. He placed his mouth near her ear.

"Lo estás pasando mal. Duerme ya, jovencita y olvídate de hoy" the man whispered. Lia slowly lost her consciousness as she fell into his arms.

He carried her and exited the building. He roams around the place and make sure no ond is staring at him.

Using his supernatural ability, he reached Lia's car in no time.

"Oh! Who are you? Is she okay?!" her dad alarmed when he suddenly opened the car's door.

He placed her slowly in the seat and replied "I saw her in the room sleeping so I escorted her out."

Lia's dad froze and observed every of his gestures.

"Where do you live, young man?" he asked.

The man lifted his gaze "just near in here" he coldly replied. He immediately turned his back and walked away from them.

"An immortal is here again" Lia's dad whispered as he watched him walk away.

"The portal must've opened" he added and started the engine to leave the school.

::correct my grammars::

::Votes and cheers are highly appreciated Thank you!::

*Lo estás pasando mal. Duerme ya, jovencita y olvídate de hoy

※Translation: You're having a hard time. Sleep now, young lady and forget about today※

Translated from Spanish·ᴗ·

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