28|| One Wish

48 9 1

"Aigoo. My daughter is really stunning" Mr. Kim beamed while caressing Lia's hair.

His daughter chuckled, "I took after my mom."

Mr. Kim frowned, "How about dad?"

Lia scoffed, "of course with you too."

Mr. Kim wrapped his arm in Lia's back as they watch the brothers playing ball games at the front yard.

"Lia, when you got to meet your mom, tell her I loved her and of course you too" Mr. Kim said trying to hide his sadness.

Lia smiled sweetly and hummed as a response.

"There's no need to be sad when the day comes,dad. We already know these things will happen. I'm ready and I hope you too."

Mr. Kim kissed her head, "Dad loves you so much. Have a safe trip, okay?"

Lia teared up nodding.

"But for now,let's do the things you missed. Pick flowers, have a trip together,anything you like to do?" Her dad tried to change the tragic topic.

Lia shook her head, "If there's anything I like to do, it would be to return to school. I want to go back to the older days. Meet Ms. Ji-na for the last time and have fun with my classmates."

"Okay. Let's do that" Mr. Kim agreed hugging his daughter.


Lia was busy fixing her school uniform when a knock came from the door.

"Come in!"

She tilted her head and her jaw droppedㅡ Sunghoon along with his brothers came in wearing school uniforms.

"How do we look?" Sunghoon asked raising his eyebrows several times.

She sighed, "you look fine."

Jay's smile dropped. "W-wait! It's fine? That's it!? No more appreciation?" he repeated.

Lia whimpered while nodding.

Jay huffed, "okay. It's fine, you said" he annoyingly said, exiting the room.

"I'll wait for you outside" Ni-ki excused.

"Me too" Jake followed along with Jungwon.

"What's wrong with them?"

Sunghoon cleared his throat. "Well,how can you just say we're just looking fine?"

"Eh? What should I say then?"

"You should've appreciated it more like... is it okay?is it better or awesome?"

"Really? That's the appreciation they want?" while raising her eyebrows.

Sunghoon sighed, "Jay took too long to fix our uniforms and you just said it's fine."

Lia covered her mouth in disbelief, "h-he.. .. is the one who fixed it?"

He nodded, "Fix your uniform. We'll go to school altogether."

"Eh? But you're not registered in the University."

Sunghoon snapped his finger winking at her, "That's the point. Jay can control human mind. As long as the teachers will be controlled then everything's fine."

"Eh?" Lia uttered being out of words.


As soon as they appeared in the hallway, they can already hear squeaks from random girls in different sections with gossips.

"Who are they?"

"Finally, some handsome guys in the University."

"Are they transferees?"

"Look, Lia and Yoona are between them."

"Lia looks pale."

"Try to ignore them all Lia" Sunghoon whispered.

"Hmm" she hummed.

"Is that Yoona? Yah! You're now in rank ten in the class. How dare you to skip your classes?!" One professor scolded Yoona while approaching her. Its her coach. Yoona is always his player in every brainy competitions.

They curiously looked at him.

"It's because of some important matter, sir" she apologized bowing her head.

"Important matter,my fo●t!" He was about to hit her when Heeseung catched his fist.

"And who are you stop me!?" He asked with annoyance in his voice.

Heeseung grinned, "I believe it's not right to discipline your students by hitting them."

"He's right! You hit me several times at the office!" One male student interfered.

"Me too" a girl added and many more students.

"Look at your dirty hands. Can you count how many you hit using it?" Heeseung asked.

"That's none of your business, as$hole!"

His brothers and friends eyes widened when the professor hit Heeseung in the face.

"Hey! That's getting out of line!" Jay yelled and was about to approach them but Sunghoon pulled him close, "If we attack, the bigger issue we'll make. Lia and Yoona can be kicked out too."

Heeseung silently huffed and tilted his head back to the professor. Just then, his sweet smile in the face suddenly dropped and pulled the professor's collar, pinning him to the wall.

"You just called me what? I'll just tell you this once, if ever I'll caught you landing your dirty hands to Yoona and any other students....."

Heeseung placed his mouth near his ear, "I'll suck your blood and make sure not a single blood cell will be left flowing in your veins" Heeseung threatened.

The professor started sweating heavily and nodded endlessly as an agreement.

He released him immediately.

"You should've not done it" Yoona whispered behind. Heeseung looked at her and smiled, "let's just proceed."

After his actions, girls adored him more.

"Tell me if he does something again to any of you" He ordered to Yoona and Lia.

"Hmm" they hummed.

"Just them? What about us?" Sunghoon teased.

Heeseung cleared his throat, "You can take care of yourselves."



"Lia Kim!!" The whole class excitedly met her at the door after a long time.

"You don't know how much I felt so lonely without you as my seatmate. I miss gossiping with you" Seora, Lia's seatmate ranted.

Lia chuckled as a response.

"You look paler though" Kang Suho said.

"Ah, it's nothing" She denied.

Sunghoon felt joy as her classmates seems to miss her presence in the class.

"By the way,who are you with?" Seora asked.

"Ah. It's our new classmates, Sunghoon, Jay, and Jake" Lia introduced. The brothers decided to split up between Lia and Yoona's section.

"Aww. They look cute" Seora beamed. Jay waved his hand at them as a greeting.

"Then, come in."

Everyone already entered but Jake was still outside the door, stunned.

Jay waved his hands on his face but he's undisturbed.

"Who are you looking at?" Jay mumbled and tried to aim his direction at Jake's eyes direction.

"Are you perhaps looking at Seora?"

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