Academic Chocolate Milkshakes PacMan edition

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Hey thanks for reading! Please comment and vote and I will love you forever!
Xoxo dreamer9923
Blog Entry 11
I came around in Mr. Calkin's office. I was sprawled across the couch in the office. Chris was next to me sitting in a chair. Mr. Calkin walked in, papers in his arms. Chris was the first to see me. He flashed me a lopsided smile, and I returned it. "Why am I here?" I said groggily, stretching. My back was killing me after beginning sprawled across 3 plastic chairs for who knows how long. "You blacked out. I thought the nurse was here, but the only one here was Mr. Calkin." He averted his eyes when I met his gaze so I doubted that was the full story.

"Ahhhh. Lindy glad to see you've come to." he smiled at me and I returned it. I really like Mr. Calkin. He was my guidance counselor and family friend. He has helped counsel me through many of my panic attacks, and he cares for me like his own daughter. Ade always knew to bring me here when I was on the verge of a breakdown. I tell him about everything. At our last meeting I told him about Chris. Yeah. I trust him that much.

"Hi John!" I said and I got up to give him a hug. "Hey Lindy," he said returning the hug. "I have something to tell you. In light of your recent panic attack and your increased stress due to the loss of..." he paused when I tensed. "I feel it necessary we remove some of that stress. I will move you to academic level classes for the rest of this year and your senior year. So you can coast and get back to where you need to be. This is only because I care, and I can't afford to lose another person I care for," Mr. Calkin loved Ade as much as me if not more. What standard level as in no challenge, as in classes that will never get me into college? "No John. You of all people know my dreams I can't kill my dreams because of a little stress. Please reconsider." I begged. This will end my life. I can't do this. "I can't reconsider because it's already done. I'm sorry but Chris agrees with me." I looked at Chris and he was nodding stone faced. "You know your own limitations, Lindy as well as I do but I swear you are so blind sometimes. You will burn out I promise you that is worse than standard level classes. I'm doing this only because I care. Your new syllabus will be available in the morning." I nodded and turned to leave with Chris.

"Hey wait. It's only 6. You want to grab dinner?" he asked. "Sure," I said a little sad that he helped move down my classes but really happy that he cares. "Where are we going to go?" I asked. "It's a surprise." he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and followed him to his Camaro.

We pulled into Patty's Palace. Patty's Palace was a half arcade half burger joint that featured 80s arcade games.

I saw PacMan, Centipede, Asteroids, Frogger, Q-Bert, Pong and Zaxxon. Chris redeemed a $5 bill for quarters and he lead me towards the blinking games. "What the heck Chris?" He just smiled and fed quarters into the 2 player PacMan game. "Loser buys burgers?" Chris said with a smirk. "Well then you'd better get ready to lose." I said adding a bit of sass.

"Aww come on best 23 out of 45." Chris complained. "Nope." I said popping the p. "You are buying me a burger." I dead panned shooting him a smirk.

I settled down at a table and anxiously waited for my food. Chris returned with 2 burgers and fries and 1 chocolate milkshake. "Yum!" I grabbed a fry but Chris swatted me away. "What? I want fries." "The agreement was just a burger!" "Yeah well when I beat you 15 times that amounts to fries and a milkshake." I smirked as I grabbed the milkshake and took a big sip. "Ugggggggh! Fine. Just give me some every now and then!" He relented with a smile.

The food was delicious. We ended ordering onion rings, hot wings, another milkshake, mozzarella sticks and another order or loaded fries. I love that I can pig out in front of him and he still looks at me like I'm the most beautifully poised girl in the history of women. This is the first real food I've eaten in a while so excuse me for spending all of Chris's money.

We got up and walked back over to the games. I walked over to Mrs. Pacman. Chris looped his arms around mine, and I leaned into his chest. His strong hands guided mine on the joystick. This was absolutely perfect.


Chris decided he would drive me home, and I didn't protest. I hated driving at night. It was 10 on a Thursday night, and I was so tired I didn't know how I could wake up in the morning.

Chris pulled into my driveway and ran around the car to open the door for me. He smirked as I stepped out of the Camaro. I pulled his beanie down into his eyes and we both laughed.

He walked me up to the door. "See you tomorrow?" he asked. I nodded. "See ya!" He smiled and ran to his car. I clambered into the house the dopy smile never leaving my face.

Hey thanks for reading! If I can get 20 votes or comments combined I'll do Chris's POV for the movies in the library part and if I get 40 (with the original 20) I'll do the PacMan date and Mr. Calkin's office too! Please comment or vote and besides these extra parts you can get dedications or follows or banners!!!! Any feedback is so awesome even terrible stuff! It'll give me stuff to improve!!!

All my love you beautiful people! dreamer9923

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