chapter 2 {and action!}

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you walked into his trailer, it was way bigger than it looked from the outside. "here" Sebastian said throwing one of his shirts to you, to sleep in. "thanks" you said as you waked into the bathroom to get changed. you put on his shirt, the familiar smell reached your nose and you could almost feel butterflies again. you sigh heavily knowing it wasn't going to work out with you 2 anymore in that way, which actually hurt more that you would have thought. you step out of the bathroom and see Sebastian sitting on his bed, looking at you as you came out. his eyes turned big but he didn't say anything.

"you want me to sleep on the couch?" he asked you.You thought it was sweet of him to offer that. "no, it's okay" you say and you see a little smile spread on his face. "okay" he said softly as both of you get into bed. it was silent for a while and it felt a bit awkward. "are you nervous for tomorrow?" he asked softly. "i don't know, not yet. i'm just gonna try my best and well see" you say honestly. "you need any tips" he said turning his head towards you. you laid both on the edge of the bed. "i mean if you have some tips, yeah" you say looking back at him. "it always works best for me to try and find similar experience that i had in real life and what i felt in those moments, and try to use that" he said. "yeah that seems easier said than done. how do you find a similar situation, it's a superhero movie" you say jokingly. "well feelings are still the same, happiness, fear, love, heartbreak" he said the last word a little softer. "I'm really sorry y/n about everything" he said and you could really see the hurt in his eyes, even tho it was dark. "I'm sorry too" you say before the both of you fall asleep.


Sebastian's pov

you slowly opened your eyes and see y/n laying close to you, you both probably moved closer to each other in your sleep. you look her over. she looked so different now, she lost a lot of weight, which scared the shit out of you. she surely couldn't have done that in a healthy way. you actually liked how she looked 2,5 years ago. she had the prettiest curves, which your hands used to fit perfectly. god you still loved this girl so much. but you worried about her, yesterday she barely ate anything and she just seemed so, different. when she broke up with you, you had a really hard time. but it seemed like it was really hard on her too.

y/n slowly opened her eyes and you smile at her. she softly smiled back, until she realizes how close you both were to each other. she moves a little further away from you. "I'm sorry" she says. "it's okay" you say smiling at her, letting her know you didn't mind. "are you ready for today?" you asked her trying to break the tension. "yes, oh i have to get dressed" she said as she stood up and walked to the bathroom. god she looked so good in your shirt, you couldn't help but wanting to follow her and shower her in kisses. but you had no idea if she had still feelings for you too. you just hoped she would stay here long enough for you to find out.

your pov

you got ready and walked out Sebastian's tailer. "good luck!" Sebastian screamed behind you. "thank you!" you yelled back as you get to the hair and makeup trailer. "good morning, you must be y/n?" a nice looking girl said as you stepped in. "yes that's me" you say smiling at her. "were gonna make you look camera ready, have a seat" she said. she looked so cool, she had really pretty make up on and rainbow colored hair. "i love your hair" you say to her as you sit down. "thank you" she said blushing. "i really love your music" she said shyly. "thank you" you said smiling as she started on your makeup.

as you were ready in hair and make-up you walked to set, where you met Anthony and Joe, the directors. they handed you the script. they tell you this scene is about you meeting Captain America, you apparently are neighbors. and they mention you eventually end up dating him. you were concentrating on reading the script when someone walked up to you. "so you ready for your first acting job?" you hear a familiar voice say. you look up and see Chris standing in front of you. "hey, yeah i guess" you say smiling at him. "remember to just have fun, alright" he says. Him saying that actually made you feel really comfortable. "thanks i will try" you say as you turn your attention back to reading your lines.

"everyone on their marks" you hear someone yell and you walk onto the set. you take a few deep breaths, you could definitely feel the nerves now. "and action!". you read your lines and it actually felt really uncomfortable. "cut!" someone yells. "alright, that was fine y/n, can you try it again, put a bit more feeling into it, you have a crush on this man" one of the directors says. "alright, i can do that" you say back taking a few breaths again trying to calm your nerves. "hey you're doing good, remember just have fun alright" Chris says smiling at you. "you guys ready?" the director asked and you both say yes. "alright, and action!" he yells. you read your lines again and it already felt more comfortable now, you felt it was definitely better than before. "and cut!" the director yells again. "way better y/n" he says "so i want to try again, but this time put just a little more feeling in. have you ever had a boyfriend?" he asked. you nod "good, so you know what a crush feel like?" he asks. "yes" you say looking down, actually not wanting to think about that right now. "so think of it this way, your character basically falls for someone who she feels like is way out of league. and she realizes this man is from a way different time than her, a way different life style. try to channel more into that" he says "you think you can do that?".

"yeah, i surely can tune into that" you say. then in the corner of your eyes you see Sebastian standing, looking at you. you think of what he said this morning, and certainly you could really tune into this character, because it actually what you've felt when you first met Sebastian. "alright and action!". you act the whole scene, pulling from your own experience. making you feel all the feelings again. "and cut!" the director says. "that was amazing y/n, i think we have it" he says. "your next scene will be in 2 days, keep this up" he said.

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