chapter 10 {relationships}

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a few days later

you woke up in the morning, wrapped in 2 strong arms. you look over and see Chris already smiling at you. last night you watched a movie together and you probably both fell asleep half way in. you and Chris were getting closer every day. you really liked him but it also scared you a little, you just didn't want to fall for someone who would end up breaking your heart. you were so lost in thought when Chris asked "are you okay?". "oh yeah sorry, just zoned out i guess" you said. "you know you can tell me right, if you know, you wanna talk about something" he said. you swore this man could fucking read your mind. "thanks, but really i'm fine" you say smiling at him.

the rest of the day went by slowly. you didn't had any scenes today, so you just worked on some new songs. "hey" you hear someone say to you. "hey" you said looking up seeing scarlet stand in front of you. you haven't really talked to her yet, but she seemed really nice. "how are you?" she asked. "i'm good how are you?" you said putting you guitar away. "i'm good, tired after today" she said smiling kindly at you. you talked for a while when she asked "so you and Chris?". "what's with me and Chris?" you said blushing a little. "you tell me, are you guys dating?" she asked curiously. "no, i mean, i don't know. we're just hanging out i think" you say actually trying to figure out what was going on between you 2 yourself. "well it looks like more than just hanging out" scarlet said grinning at you. "oh, well" you said not really knowing what to say. "so, nothing official yet?" she asked. you shook your head. "do you want it to be?" she asked you. you thought about it for a moment. "i, uhm, well i think so" you said looking to the ground. "you don't sound too sure about that" she said. "well it's just, i just don't trust people alot. and i don't want to be hurt. so i guess i'm just protecting myself" you say to her. "i see, but chris is really nice and kind." she says and you see she really cares about him. "just give him a chance" she said as she stood up. "thanks scarlet" you say to her. "have a nice day" she said before she walked away.

it was 5 and you were ready to go grab diner when there was a knock on your door. you opened it and saw Chris standing before you, dressed up nicely. "i though i could take you out for diner" he said smiling at you. it warmed your heart "i think that's a great idea, let me change first" you said looking at the clothes you were wearing. "no need, you look beautiful as always" Chris said grabbing your hand. he took you to a nice looking restaurant, but not too fancy. you sat down at the table and order your food. you look at the man sitting in front of you, he looked so good and you really liked him, but you just couldn't shake the feeling like you were gonna end up heartbroken again. "there is that look again, are you okay. is it too much?" he said in a serious tone. "no it's perfect, it's just. it's just me. it's just" you sigh looking down to your hands, fidgeting nervously. "hey you know you can tell me right" he said looking at you with his calming blue eyes.

"it's just. my last relationship didn't work out the way i thought it would and i just, i guess i'm just scared to trust someone in that way again" you say looking up at him. "what happened between you two, if you don't mind me asking" he said placing his hand on yours, rubbing it softly with his thumb as he sees you're a bit upset. "well, he uhm, he had other thing to do, which he thought were more important than me i guess" you say vaguely. "is this the guy you talked about after that scene we did?" he asked genuinely curious. "yeah, we were great together and like, we talked about living together and marrying one day. and then he got this new job, and i don't know i guess it was my own fault because i told him to get this job. but he didn't had time for me anymore. so it was my fault for insisting he take the fucking job, but it fucking hurt" you say and you feel yourself getting emotional as you thing back to it. "hey, it wasn't your fault. he should have seen what he had and he should have made time for you. he was fucking stupid to let you go" Chris says to you and you could see he meant every word. "thank you" you said smiling softy at him. "i mean it, if a man thinks his job is more important than his girlfriend, i'm sorry but it's good you let that asshole go. you deserve someone who will do anything for you, because in the short time that i known you, i know you would do anything for the people you care for. you deserve someone who would do the same for you. you deserve the world because you're such a beautiful person, you're caring, funny and just amazing" his words made you blush, did he really thought that about you. "you are amazing y/n and you shouldn't let one asshole bring you down because he was to blind to see that" Chris said in a serious tone. "thank you, that means a lot" you say smiling to him "i think your awesome, kind and funny too". "well, thank you" he said smiling at you.

"you know i actually wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend, but i would understand if you wanted to wait, just" he said. "no, i actually would really like to be your girlfriend" you said, which made him smile. "you sure, i mean i really like you. but we can wait if you need more time" he said and you couldn't believe how nice this man was. he just had everything, the looks and the heart. "i'm sure, i really would like to be your girlfriend" you say smiling widely at him. he smiles widely back at you "well cheers to that than" he said grabbing his wine glass. "to us" you say smiling before you clink your glasses together. "i like that, to us" Chris said smiling before he pulls you closer to him and kisses you softly and passionately.

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