chapter 4 {chatting}

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you sit in a chair outside Sebastian's trailer when he comes walking up to you. "omg they're doing the winter soldier thing!" you yell excitedly as you see him in his costume, he looked so good in it, shit he really gained some muscles. he smiles as he sees you're exited. "yeah, that's why the movie is called Captain America, Winter Soldier" he said. "oh i didn't look at what the movie was called" you say to him. "i like this look on you" you say looking at the realistic looking metal arm. you run your fingers over it and you discover it isn't metal at all. "wow how did they make it look like this?" you ask him surprised. "i have no idea, the people in the costume department are fucking magicians" he says smiling at you, as you still touch his arm. "oh sorry" you said pulling your hand back. "so how was your day?" he asked "i saw you did well". "yeah it went okay, i guess" you say. "you did more than okay if you ask me" he said "you are an actress y/n" he says smiling at you. "well thanks" you say smiling back. "did anything fun after?" he asked. "oh yeah i ate pizza with Chris, haven't had pizza in a long while" you say happily. "why, you loved pizza" he said surprised. "well you don't lose 40 pounds by eating pizza all day" you say proud of yourself. "40 pound!" he said more worried than proud "y/n that's a lot of weight" he says, worry in his tone which made you feel a little sad. you were so proud of yourself for losing that much weight, why wasn't he? "yeah i know that kinda was the point" you say, feeling a bit defeated.

Sebastian's pov

you look at her worried 40 pound, that was even more than you though and it worried the shit out of you. she looked to the ground, clearly not expecting you would reacted that way. "so you hung out with Chris?" you ask her changing the subject. "yeah he's nice" she says and you see her face light up. at the moment Nathalie walks up to you two. "hey y/n, we have a problem" Nathalie says. you see worry on y/n's face. "they can't get your trailer here in time, it will probably take 3 more days for them to get here" Nathalie says. you see y/n relax again. "that's okay" y/n says. "we will look for a hotel nearby, but it's gonna be a bit of a challenge" Nathalie says. "she can stay with me for a few days" you say to Nathalie. "well if you want to" you say looking at y/n. "yeah that's alright, i can stay with Sebastian for a few days" she says to Nathalie. "good, i heard you did well today" Nathalie says to her and you see her face light up again. you loved seeing her smile, it's when she looks the most beautiful to you. "thanks Nathalie" y/n says before Nathalie walks away.

after you shot another scene, you got out of hair and makeup and walked up to your trailer where y/n was playing on her guitar. it was already late, so she played it really silently. "hi' you said as you walked up to her. "hey how was the night shoot?" she asked putting the guitar away. "good, i think it's gonna look badass" you say smiling grabbing 2 beers and handing one to her. she looks at it for a moment, but then takes a sip anyway. "what haven't had beer in a while either" you joked. "actually not" she said back. "well I have to say, that is some dedication" you said jokingly, hoping to not upset her again. "hey can we join you guys" Chris says as he walks up with anthony. "yeah sure" Sebastian said. "hey i'm Anthony" the man said introducing himself to y/n. "y/n" she said back. "well hello y/n" Anthony said in a flirty tone.

your pov

you were talking and joking together, turns out Anthony was really funny. every now and again you would exchange looks with Chris, which made you blush. when it started to get late Sebastian stood up "we probably should get some sleep, big day tomorrow" he said. "yeah we probably should" Chris said standing up too. "what's tomorrow?" you ask them. "big fighting scene" Chris answered. "yeah so we better have a good night sleep, those cost a lot of energy" Sebastian said. "goodnight" you say to the 2 man as they get up and are about to walk away. "goodnight" they say as the walk away.

Sebastian's pov

you lay down in the bed while y/n is having a shower. you saw the way she looked at Chris and how he looked back, it honestly made you really jealous. you guessed y/n didn't tell Chris you used to date, because surely he would come to ask you if it was okay before he flirted with you. "everything okay" y/n says, bringing you out of your thoughts. "huh, yeah,yeah" you said looking at her stand in the door opening. she looked so pretty with her still wet hair and your shirt on her body. your shirt looked so massive on her now that she lost so much weight. you wished you knew that she still felt the same about you. that you could just pick up where you left off 2 years ago, but it seemed like she might have found some else. or maybe she was just messing with you, trying to make you jealous so that you would tell her how you really felt about her. it didn't seem like her tho, but then again she really changed.

"you sure you are okay?" she said looking at you worried. "yeah just a bit tired" you say smiling softly at her. she lays down in bed next to you, a little closer than she did yesterday. "you know you can tell me if somethings bothering you right, i'm here for you just the same" she said. "thanks that means a lot, and you can too" you say laying on your side looking at her. she smiles kindly at you. it is silent for a while as you just stare at each other, both just saying nothing until you break the silence. "i really missed you y/n" you say softly, almost scared to say it. "i missed you too seb" she says before the both of you fall asleep.

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