chapter 11 {the ex}

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"so you and Chris huh?" Sebastian asked you as you have lunch after your shot your scene for the day. you look at Sebastian "what about us?" you say blushing a little. "are you 2 dating?" he asked like he already knew the answer, but there was also something different in his voice. "yeah we are" you say as a small smile appears on your lips. "okay" Sebastian says before looking away. "what?" you ask him confused. "oh it's nothing, i hope he makes you happy" he says still not looking at you. "thanks for saying that, that means a lot" you say, meaning every word. "hey beautiful" you hear Chris say before he places a kiss on your cheek. "hey" you say smiling like crazy. "hey seb" Chris says as he sits down next to you. at that moment your phone rings "oh gotta take this" you say before standing up and walking to a quiet place.

sebastians pov

"so heard you 2 are official now" you said to Chris. you felt a sting in your heart as you hear the words leave your mouth. "yeah we are" he says but you hear a little hesitation in his voice. "what, is it not what you expected" you ask him. "oh no that's not it, it's just" he says sighing "she is a little closed off, apparently her ex was a fucking asshole and now she has trust issues. so you know, it just is gonna take some time". you think for a moment, were you the asshole ex or did she date someone else. "what did her ex do?" you asked, immediately regretting you asked. "oh apparently the motherfucker left her because he was too busy with work. the worst thing being that she blames herself for it because she convinced him to take the job. i don't understand why someone would chose a fucking job over her, like i really don't understand. you surely must be an asshole to do that right?" as he says it you heart aches. "yeah" you say softly looking away.

you think back to that time. you should have just gone to support her, but then again you never told her you actually were broke when you left. you never told her about it because you didn't want her to worry but you needed the job and you were too scared of being fired. you regretted it though and you thought you could be together again after you were done with the movie. but then rumors about you dating people came out and you were just too scared to talk to her again. "hello earth to seb" you heard Chris say, shaking you out of your thoughts. "oh sorry" you said looking at Chris. "are you okay?" he asked worried. "yeah i'm fine, just tired" you say. as y/n came back you ate lunch together before going back to filming, but you just couldn't get the conversation with Chris out of your mind. god you really fucked up.

a few days later

you were tired, you barely got any sleep because you couldn't get your mind to rest. the conversations between you and Chris and you and y/n running though your mind over and over. you were jealous of Chris for dating y/n because you still fucking loved her. but you understood now that she will never get back with you because you simply hurt her too much. how could she trust you when she had already didn't fully trust Chris. let alone trusting you, the guy that made her have trust issues to begin with. you tried to empty your mind but it was useless.

the next day you walk onto set, and get ready. you get on your spot and do your lines. at the end of the day you are exhausted. "what's with you the last couple days" Chris says as he comes sitting next to you. "nothing just haven't gotten much sleep last night" you say to him. "seb, you've been acting weird for a couple of days now, we used to be friends but i feel like ever since i started dating y/n you've been off. have i been spending too much time with her, it's that it. i can make more time for us to hang out. i mean" Chris said, making you feel guilty that he thought he was the problem. "no that's, that's not it it's just" you sigh out loud. "it has to do with y/n though, right?" he asked. and you nod your head, needing to talk to someone about what's been going through your mind the last couple days. "i've, we've" you say not knowing how to tell one of your best friends that his girlfriend was your ex. "do i spend too much time with her, is that it. do you want to spend more time with y/n?" he asked. you shook your head. "then please tell me seb" he says and you could clearly hear he was worried about you. "fuck" you say under your breath.

"so uhm, the ex y/n talked about with you" you said. "yes, the one who left her for his job" Chris said. "yeah, that one" you say softly. "that ex" you say swallowing hard "that ex was me". "wait what?" Chris says looking at you confused. "but how, why" he says looking at you more confused than ever. "but you, you would never do that" Chris said, not believing y/n's asshole ex and you were the same person. "i, i didn't mean to and it was a huge fucking mistake. i was broke and i needed the job, i thought after i was done filming i could make things right with her but i just, i fucked everything up" you said swallowing back tears. "i never meant to hurt her, and i didn't know i caused her that much pain. fuck i'm so stupid" you say out loud more to yourself than to Chris. Chris hugs you tightly as he sees you are getting emotional. "i'm sorry" he whispers. as he lets go he says "do you, do you want me to break up with her?". the question surprised you, would he really do that for you. "i, no. she deserves a nice guy who can love her just the way i ones did" you say to him. "you sure, i mean i'm willing to do that for you" he says and you could see he means it. "listen Chris, me and y/n was a long time ago and seeing how much i've hurt her. she never see me that way again. so just, be good to her" you say. "i will" Chris says before he hugs you again. "just tell me if you've changed your mind alright, i will not lose one of my best friends over a girl i just met a few weeks ago" he said and you could hear he meant it. "thanks Chris" you say before you both leave the set. 

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