chapter 13 {leave me alone}

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you wake up early, you had a shoot day today. luckily the scene's weren't with Chris or Sebastian. you get dressed and get ready for your mark. it was an intense scene where you had to play for 'hero'. it actually went really well, and you felt proud of yourself. when your done you get some food and sit down at a table alone. as you are almost done Sebastian walks up to you and sits at your table. "hey, how did filming go today?" he asked. "alright" you said not looking at him finishing your food as quickly as possible. "are you okay?" he asks worried. "i'm fine" you said as you stood up and walked away.

you were just hanging out in your trailer, you actually felt like shit. it were moments like this when you missed having friends like Kayla. you hadn't spoken to her in months. she was too busy with her girlfriend. sometimes you wondered if you were just that friend that everyone would leave eventually, the friend that isn't as important. you were taken out of your thoughts by a knock on the door. you walk to the door and see Sebastian stand in front of you. "go away" you say as you want to close the door, but he puts his foot in between. "seb, please just leave me alone" you say in sad tone. "did he break up with you?" he asks surprised as he hears your tone. "just fucking leave okay" you say to him. not wanting to talk with him right now.

"y/n please, just" he says. you walk into your trailer hoping he would leave but he followed you in. "go away Sebastian, i don't wanna fucking talk to you right now" you say getting angry now that he just won't listen to you. "what happened y/n, i wanna help, please just tell me" he says softly. "i fucking tell you what happened. my boyfriend broke up with me, because you told him we used to date. that's what fucking happened!" you yell at him. "i'm sorry y/n .. i, i didn't mean to" he says. "you didn't meant to do what seb. didn't want to ruin my life, didn't want to break me and Chris up." you say to him. "y/n i" "no seb. i finally fucking thought i could actually love someone again and then you go and fuck it up. was that your plan, because you were jealous. please tell me you're not still in love with me" you yell at him. "y/n i, i just" he says. "you got to be fucking kidding me, your pathetic you know that. if you still love me why didn't you fucking call, or do something to try and get me back. but no, noo you don't do that shit no you just ruin my love life, because you are just too fucking stupid to tell me in my face, you still have feelings for me."

"y/n that's not. i hurt you okay and i know that. you deserve someone better than me, someone who won't leave you for his stupid job he thought was important at the time. which it fucking wasn't. well it was because i was fucking broke and i couldn't pay for anything" he rambled, getting emotional. "wait you what?" you asked surprised "you were broke?". Sebastian locks eyes with you. "yeah, and i didn't want to used it as an excuse because i still acted like an asshole, but i was just so afraid i lose the job, and i wouldn't be able to take care of you the way i would have liked to" he says looking away. "why didn't you tell me" you say softly, now finally understanding why he was so focused on his job. "i, i was ashamed, and i thought this job would fix it all. but guess it just ruined another part." he says. "oh seb" you say hugging him tightly.

"i'm sorry i told him y/n. i really believe you 2 were good together." he says softly. "do you, do you still have feelings for me?" you ask him hesitantly. "i will always have a special place in my heart for you. but i think we should move on" he says softly, like he didn't want to admit it to you or himself. "i only told Chris because he told me how you thought your ex was an asshole and i figured it was me you were talking about and so, that hurt a little" he says. you let go of him and look into his eyes. "i never said you were an asshole seb, i loved what we had. it just, it was just the way it ended that sucked, but i guessed it did for both of us." you say softly. "but i can't just judge out relationship by the way it ended. because before it ended it was amazing. i thought we would buy a house together, get married." you say. "get kids" he says smiling softly at you. his words hurt you deep. "did i say something wrong?" he asks as he sees your expression change. "no" you whisper, fighting back tears.

"well i don't know it if means anything to you but i told Chris it was okay with me if you continued to be together" he says. "what do you mean?" you ask confused. "well Chris asked me if he should break up with you" he says. that was the last straw and tears stream down your face. "he what?" you ask him, hurt in your eyes. "yeah he uhm, he ask me if i wanted the 2 of you to break up" Sebastian says softly, only now realizing he probably shouldn't have mentioned that. "and you said it was okay with you for us to continue dating?" you ask, tears streaming down your cheeks. "yeah" he says sighing, seeing how it upset you.

"get out" you say softly to him. "y/n i" he wants to say but it is too much to deal with. "fucking leave!" you yell at him. at that moment the door opens and Chris walks in. "hey can we talk?" he asked but he is shocked as he sees your tear stained face. "are you okay?" he asks worried. "no i'm not. fuck off, both of you" you say to them. "y/n i'm sorry i" Chris starts but you don't let him finish. "LEAVE! NOW. for ones fucking do as i ask of you!" you yell at them. Sebastian and Chris share a look and both walk towards the door. "if you wanna talk.." Chris says. "no i don't fucking wanna talk. to neither of you. leave me the fuck alone!" you say crying as they both leave your trailer.

when they both left you fall down on your bed crying your eyes out. how could he, did Chris really take your relationship that seriously, did he really plan on breaking up with you just because Sebastian would tell him to. and seb mentioning kids, it fucking broke your heart, because what you never told him is that you could have had kids. because you were pregnant 2,5 years ago. 

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