chapter 6 {hung over}

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you wake up in the morning feeling 2 arms wrapped around you. you snuggle up to the person until you realize it's Sebastian. you quickly get out of his grip and sit up. "morning" you hear Sebastian say. "geez not so loud" you say, fuck this was probably the worst hangover you've ever had. "what happened, how did i end up back here?" you ask Sebastian. "do you remember anything from last night?" he asked you, wait was that a sad look on his face, what the fuck happened. "no i just remember doing shots with Chris in the club and uhm dancing with him and oh shit" you say as you remember. "what?" Sebastian asked. "the kiss" you said looking shocked at Sebastian. Sebastian smiles softly at you. "i kissed him, i kissed chris" you say feeling embarrassed. The smile on seb's face immediately disappears. "shit what will he think, fuck" you say not knowing what do do, you didn't even remember if he kissed you back or not, shit. "you don't remember anything else?" Sebastian asked you. what was going on with him, he acted weird today. "no, did something else happen?" you asked him worried. "no, not that i know of" he says. you let out a sigh of relieve. "oh my god i kissed him seb, fuck" you say looking at him, but he looked the other way. "i'm gonna have a shower" he said as he walked to the bathroom.

sebastian's pov

you put on the shower and stand under it. you were so mad, yet also sad. mad that she kissed Chris, mad that was the only kiss she remembered last night. and sad about her not remembering that she told you she still loved you. how could she forget that, she did mean it right. i mean yes she was drunk, but drunk people are the most honest, right? it drove you fucking crazy. as you get out of the shower you get dressed and walk out of the bathroom. "are you okay?" you hear y/n ask. "i'm fine, how are you?" you ask her acting like everything was okay. "i feel like shit, but that's all my fault" she says. "well not all your fault" you say bitterness in your tone. "what do you mean?" she asked you. "Chris was with you right, he could have said something" you say not looking at her now. "i'm an adult seb, i can make those decisions myself, even if i regret them in the morning" she says. "yeah sure" you say as you walk out to hair and makeup.

your pov

"yeah sure" Sebastian said as he walked away. what was with him today, did he really blame Chris for you getting drunk. that didn't make any sense. you shook it off and went on with your day. when Nathalie came up to you. "hey Nathalie" you say to her. "hey y/n, so the trailer will be here today" she says. "that's good news" you say to her. "yeah, where do you want to have it, next to Sebastian's or somewhere else, i think there's a spot open next to scarlet". "well uhm" you said thinking about it "next to scarlet will be fine" you say, not knowing if your trailer next to Sebastian's would be a good idea. "okay i get everything ready, do you need some extra stuff from home we can get you?" she asked you. "uh no, i'll go home for some personal stuff tonight, if that's alright with you, i can get some stuff from home then" you tell her. "yeah that's totally fine" Nathalie says smiling to you. "are you enjoying working here?" she asks you. "yeah i really like it, it's very different from what i normally do, but it's refreshing" you say to her. "yeah, well i'm glad you're enjoying it, if there is anything i can help you with come and find me okay?" "i will Nathalie, thanks".

after a few hours you go to hair and makeup and get ready. you walk to set and see Chris already stand there, shit this is gonna be awkward. "hey" he says happily. "hi" you say back a little bit more awkward. "you ready for today, or do you still have a hangover from last night" he said whispering the last part, probably because it didn't seem so professional. "no i'm ready" you say to him, he didn't seem awkward at all. before you start the directors explain some background for the scene and then you shoot it. it really went well this time, you and Chris had great chemistry together, so that was really nice.

you walked of set as you were done, when Chris came up to you. "hey wanna have a drink together?" he asked. "didn't we do that last night?" you ask him, having actually no idea where you stood with him now. "what can't i have a drink with you a second time?" he say grinning. "good point" you say blushing as you see his beautiful smile, that man could get anything done by just smiling. you sat down outside Chris' trailer. it was silent for a while. "what happend last night, sorry i don't actually remember much" you ask him a little embarrassed. Chris laughs "yeah you were pretty drunk" he says. "i'm sorry for that" you say to him. "don't be you were great company" he said looking at you. "so we just drank of course, a lot" he says making you laugh. "and we danced and you, kissed me" he said. you didn't know how to react, so that meant he didn't kiss you back right, if he would tell you that way. you were frozen in place, feeling awkward. "oh i'm" was all you got out. "i'm sorry for that" you say. "don't be" he said placing his hand on yours "i enjoyed it, i just didn't kiss you back because i knew you were drunk and didn't know if you would regret it, you know when you would be sober" he told you.

"i think you were right the other day" you say to him with a light smile on your face. "right about what?" he asks confused. "that good looking man are gentlemen" you say smiling at him. "i told you" he says smiling. you look down at his hand that laid on yours and smile at it. "i think you're really cool y/n, and beautiful of course" he says. "really?" you ask him, still not looking at him as you blush like crazy. "yeah, really" he says as he grabs your chin and pulls you closer to him as he kisses you. 

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