chapter 16 {old love, new love}

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as you storm off set, Nathalie walks by you. "hey y/n i need to tell you something" she says. "please not now Nathalie" you say with teary eyes. "are you okay?" Nathalie asks you. "no" you say shaking your head as tears stream down your face, before you run to your trailer locking the door behind you.

you grab your phone and call the 1 person you need to speak to most right now. you hear the phone is picked up "oh my god, Kayla i fucked up" you say. "oh sorry Kayla isn't here right now" you hear a woman say. "can i give her a massage?" the girl says with an Spanish accent. "no, no thanks" you say as you hang up the phone. you let yourself fall into the bed as you just cried.

a minute later there's a knock on the door. "y/n i'm sorry, can i come in?" you hear Chris say. you quickly try to dry your tears, but Chris already opens the door. as he sees you he walks up and hugs you tightly. "i'm sorry" you say sobbing again. "hey it's okay" he says rubbing your back. "no it's not okay" you say feeling guilty for the mess you've made. you calm down and sit down on the bed with Chris. "i'm so, so sorry Chris. i know i should have told you about Sebastian and i should have never done those things with him, it's just. i'm, i'm..." you say not knowing what to say anymore. "you still love him, don't you?" he asks you calmly. you nod "i, i do. but i, i think i, i think i'm falling for you too. i'm just, so confused right now. i'm sorry, i never meant for it to be this complicated" you say looking down. "i know" Chris said grabbing your hands slowly stroking them. "i just want you to know i really, really like you y/n. and i will wait for you if you decide this is still what you want. i just, i want you to be happy." he says and you hear the insecurity in his voice.

"thank you" you say looking deep into his eyes. he placed his hand on your chin and slowly and passionately kisses you. "i hope this isn't the last time i get to kiss you, but in case it is" he says before he kisses you again. as he let's go you both try to catch your breath. "i'll see you" he says before he stands up and walks out.

an hour later you hear the door open again and Sebastian walks in. "hey how are you?" he asks you softly. "confused" you say shortly, feeling like shit. "did Chris talk to you?" he asked. you nod your head. "so you 2 are together?" he asks a sad look in his eyes. "no" you say almost in a whisper. you see Sebastian look up at you, a slight twinkle in his eyes now. "listen y/n i fucking love you. i, i don't want to lose you again" he says. "seb i" you say looking away, scared you might make a rushed discission. "i can't do this y/n, you need to make a division. i can't take this back and forth shit. i just, i want you to be happy. and i really hope that that is with me but if it isn't at least let me know." he says. "i, i really need some time seb, i-i really don't know what to do. i love you, but i think i'm falling for Chris too, and it's just. i'm just afraid i will make the wrong choice and one of you will leave me again. and i, i can't go through that again, i really can't" you say as a tear rolls down your cheek.

you were actually terrified to start anything with someone again. because you couldn't take another heartbreak now. not now you didn't had anyone on your side anymore. "i understand, it's just" Sebastian says. "it's just what?" you ask him as he doesn't finishes his sentence. "it's nothing, just something Chris said" he said. "what did he say?" you ask him curious now. "he uhm" Sebastian says. "what did he say seb!" you say wanting to know now. "it was nothing, he probably didn't mean it anyway" Sebastian said, only making you more curious. "seb, tell me" you say. "we had an argument about you and he said 'i could have you'" Sebastian says looking down, like he shouldn't have mentioned it. "he said what?" you ask him, hoping you heard it wrong. "he probably didn't mean it, it's just. if he did, maybe he isn't worth it" he says softly before he leaves you alone.

you were shocked, would he really say that, or did Sebastian make it up so you would choose him. thinking about it made you go crazy and left you feeling more confused and scared than before. maybe you should just go home, maybe you just needed to choose for yourself. you walked outside, hoping the fresh air would help make up your mind. you were walking around when Nathalie came up to you. "hey y/n i really need to talk to you" she said, seeing you were not doing great. "okay" you sighed, hoping she could take you mind of the 2 men for a bit.

"so there is really no easy way to tell you this but, you need to leave" she said "what?" you asked confused. "Emily is back and they start reshooting the scene's tomorrow" Nathalie says to you. "wait so she, what?" you asked. "they are redoing the scene's, so you will basically be, replaced" she said softly as to soften the blow but that didn't help. "so you're saying i did it all for fucking nothing?" you asked her emotionless. "well it wasn't really for nothing" Nathalie says not looking at you. "oh no, it wasn't for nothing?" you say sarcastically "i'm not in the fucking movie, am i?" you ask now a bit angry that all your hard work will be thrown into the bin. "well no but.." Nathalie says. "you know what, it's okay. i'm fucking leaving" you say as you storm back to your trailer starting to pack your stuff.

you put your suitcase outside when you see Sebastian and Chris walk up to you. "what are you doing?" Chris asked surprised. "they fired me" you say as a tear rolls over your cheek again, you would think that after today you tears were gone but apparently there were some left. "what?" Sebastian asks surprised. "apparently the actress that would play the role first is back, and their reshooting everything" you say now crying. both man wrap you in their arms. "it's fucking stupid, why am i even crying over this, i didn't even plan on acting" you say as they let go of you. "hey you were really fucking good" Chris said smiling softly at you. "yeah, and we could really see you enjoyed it" Sebastian adds. "yeah i really did" you say smiling softly at them through your tears.

"i'm really sorry for this mess" you say looking at both of the men standing in front of you now. "we know you didn't plan this" Sebastian said. "and yeah it sucks, but you know, shit happens" Chris says. you smile at them, happy that at least they worked their shit out. now they were only waiting for you to figure it out. "hey, whatever happens, we're both here for you" Chris says. "what he said" Sebastian says jokingly. "thank you guys" you say hugging them both.

"so what are you gonna do now?" Sebastian asks. "i'm going to a hotel nearby. i come by tomorrow to say goodbye to everyone" you tell them. "do i need to come with you?" Sebastian offers. "no, i think i need some time alone, to think, i'll see you guys tomorrow" you say grabbing your suitcase. "see you tomorrow" they both say as you walk away to the taxi.

after you check in the hotel you fall into the bed and think. a relationship with Chris would be great. you could really see a future with him. but the thing Sebastian mentioned made you worry. why did Chris tell Sebastian he could have you. was he really that quick to throw in the towel. but then again did he really say that or did Sebastian made it up. And then Sebastian, he was your first love and you really waited 2,5 years for him to tell you he still loved you. the feeling it gave you was amazing. but what if it doesn't work between you 2 anymore, can you really trust him again. after he just left you. you closed your eyes, you've made up your mind. you just hoped it would be the right choice.

the next morning you take a taxi back to set and walk immediately to his trailer and knock on his door. "hey" he said smiling when he opened the door. "hey, i made up my mind, i want to be with you" you say before you kiss him.

i made 2 different endings: you can choose who you end up with

read the next chapter for the ending with Chris

skip to the next chapter for the ending with Sebastian

or read them both, it's up to you :)

old love, new loveWhere stories live. Discover now