chapter 15 {making up}

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Sebastian lays you down on the bed and gets on top of you. He looks deep into your eyes, all the butterflies return at ones He kisses you deeply again, you could just feel how much he loved you. Sebastian removes his shirt before he kisses you on your jaw down to your neck and shoulders. He then removes your shirt and looks at you. "you are so beautiful" he says just staring at you. You smile up at him, god you still loved this man so much. He slowly get's rid of your pants and throws them on the floor. He traces his hand up your leg all the way to your inner thigh, making your breath hitch. "fuck I missed you" he whispers in your ear.

His hands trace every curve of your body, slowly sliding down. You gasp as one of his hands slides into your panties and starts rubbing your clit, making a small moan escape your lips. he then get's rid of your panties, while you get rid of your bra. "fuck I wanna taste you so bad" he whispers before he places a trail of kisses all the way to your wet core. He then slowly licks you slit. "fuck I almost forgot how good you taste" he says as he looks up to you. And god you missed him so much. He sucks on your clit while 2 of his fingers enter you. "fuck seb" you moan out. "god you feel so good y/n" Sebastian groans. "fuck more" you tell him desperately. "as you wish" he says as he moves his fingers faster in and out of you. "fuck, yes" you moan out.

Sebastian add another finger and thrust into you even harder and faster. "yes, fuck...more!" you moan, as you feel his fingers penetrate you hard and deep. "you want more baby?" Sebastian asks. You eagerly nod your head. "as you wish princes" he says as he quickly get rid of his pants and boxers, revealing his rock hard cock. He lines himself up with your entrance and pushes into you slowly. Letting you feel every inch of him and you moan out at the feeling. "did you miss me?" Sebastian asks seductively. "god yes, more....fuck" you moan out. "you sure you can handle it?" Sebastian asks. "yes, please fuck me hard" as the words leave your mouth, Sebastian starts thrusting into you hard and deep. "oh fuck!" you scream out at the overwhelming pleasure. "oh fuck baby, you feel so good" Sebastian groans. "fuck..i'm close" you say as you throw your head back. "look at me y/n. I want you to look at me as you cum" he orders you. You look into his eyes as you feel your orgasm taking over you and you scream out his name "yes...Sebastian!".

Sebastian keeps thrusting into you deep and hard, not faltering in his thrusts. "oh fuck!" you scream at the overwhelming feeling. "yes fuck y/n" he groans. He moves down to kiss you passionately, while still pounding into you. You moan into his mouth and you feel you're close again. "fuck..seb" you say out of breath. You feel Sebastian falter in his thrust, knowing he's close too. Sebastian buries his head in your shoulder, leaving kisses on your shoulder and in your neck. "fuck" he groans into your ear. "yes, y/n! fuck your gripping me so tight, I'm gonna cum" he breaths out "come with me baby" he says. And with a few more thrust you feel him fill you up. "oh fuck" he breaths out as he stops moving. "fuck" you breath out as Sebastian pulls out of you and wraps you up in his arms.

chris pov

when you're done filming you walk up to y/n trailer. you knock but she doesn't' answer. "y/n?" you ask, hoping she wasn't angry with you anymore. But again she didn't answer. you open the door only to find out she wasn't there. you walk to seb's trailer, hoping that he might know where she could be. you walk up to the trailer when you hear an all too familiar sound. moans, from y/n? you are shocked as you walk to the door. yeah you were sure that definitely was y/n, moning out Sebastian's name. you felt jealously rise up inside of you and at the same time anger and sadness. you just made up, why would she do this to you. shit did she still have feelings for him. You didn't know what to do. how could she, no how could he! no how could they both do this to you.

your pov

"fuck i missed that" you say out of breath as you lay next to Sebastian. "yeah" he sighs out of breath too. it is silent for a while, both of you not knowing what to say. "i should probably go" you say as you start getting dressed again. "no stay" he says pulling you into his arms. "i can't seb, i'm sorry" you say looking at him with a sad look. "you like him better than me, don't you?" he says hurt in his voice. "seb i" you say. "no just be honest with me y/n" he says. "i, i don't know seb, i really don't know what to do right now" you say honestly, feeling torn. "okay, let me know when you made up your mind, i will wait for you" he says before you leave.

the next morning you get up and get breakfast, you walk up to Chris and sit next to him after you kissed his cheek. "good morning" you say to him smiling. "morning" he said back, but he wasn't his happy, bubbly self today. "everything okay?" you ask him. "yeah" he says as you both eat in silence. "so heard you have a big scene today" you said breaking the silence. "yeah we have" he said coldly. "okay what's wrong?" you ask him, knowing he was off today. "nothing just getting into a good headspace for the scene today, that's all" he says softly smiling at you. but you know there was something else. "well if you wanna tell what's on your mind, you know where to find me" you say as you get up to leave him alone.

you walk back to your trailer and walk into seb. "hey good luck today" you say to him. "thanks, hey if you wanna come by and watch. i mean if you want to" he says. "yeah i'll like that, seeing you in action" you say smiling at him. "okay, see you later" he says as he walks off.

later that day you walk on set to see the big scene. it was a fight scene between Captain America and the Winter Soldier on some sort of plane. you were really curious, you haven't saw them act together, and you couldn't wait to see what they were so passionate about. you walked in and both men's eyes immediately turn to you before they continue the scene. it looked really intense and almost real. "ah what the fuck man" Sebastian says as Chris punches Sebastian. "cut!" the director says. "Sebastian are you okay?" he asks him. "yeah i'm fine" he says to the director. "what happend?" you hear Sebastian ask Chris. "sorry my fault" Chris said back, but he didn't really seem sorry. "okay on your marks and action!" the director says. both men redo there fighting scene and you see Chris whisper something to Sebastian that clearly pissed Sebastian off as he pushes Chris hard. "cut!" the director yells. "okay everyone take 5" he says before he turns to Chris and Sebastian. "what is going on with you two?". "nothing" Sebastian says, clearly still angry. "then act like it and do the scene as practiced okay?" the director says. "okay" Chris says.

they shoot the scene again, it already is better and they 'fake' fight. then Chris says his line "cause i'll be with you till the end of the line.." but instead of following the script he stands up and starts yelling at Sebastian. "you know what fuck this. how the fuck could you, she's my fucking girlfriend!" he yells. "what are you talking about!?" Sebastian says back. "you fucked her!" he yells. "so what, she isn't your fucking girlfriend, you wanted a fucking break!" Sebastian yells back. you look at the 2 man, shit how did Chris found out about you and seb, fuck. "she is my fucking girlfriend! i asked her yesterday morning and she said yes" he says. "she did?" Sebastian says taken aback. both man look over at you and you feel tears form in your eyes. "i didn't know that, she didn't tell me" Sebastian says now irritated. you are too overwhelmed to register anything that's going on around you, you just had to leave.

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