chapter 7 {bro's}

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you look into Chris' eyes as he let's go of you and you blush like crazy. "what was that for?" you say shy all of a sudden. "just felt like it" he said. "can you do it again?" you ask him, making him smile as he pulls you in for another kiss, this one got a little bit more heated as he slips his tongue in. you throw your hands around his neck to deepen this kiss even more. he then let's go of you as you both try to catch your breath. you smile at each other. "do you want to go on a real date tonight?" Chris asks you. "i can't i have to go back to New York tonight". "why?" he asks disappointed. "Have to visit my uncle" you say to him. "well visit your uncle another time than" he says as he places another kiss on your lips. "no i can't" you say as you slowly push him off you. "i can only come by ones a month" you tell him. "why?" he asks confused. "because he's in prison" you say to him. "for what?" he asks. "that's a story for another time, i need to go now actually or i'm gonna miss my flight" you say as you stand up. "well i wouldn't mind" he says as he grabs your waist and pulls you on his lab. "i'm sorry Chris i really need to go, but i take you up on that date when i'm back okay?" you ask him. "alright, have fun in New York" he says as you stand up. "good luck with filming" you say as you put a quick kiss on his lips and walk away.

chris' pov

you grab some food at catering and see seb sit down at a table. "hey seb" you say as you sit down next to him. "hey" he say back coldly. "is everything okay?" you asks him. "i'm fine" Sebastian says not looking at you. "okay what did i miss?" you ask confused. "why did you let her have so much to drink last night?" he asks you, with an angry undertone. "because she wanted to drink" you say surprised he asked. "and you didn't mind to tell her that might not be the best idea, or do you think she will like you more when she is fucking drunk" he says now anger apparent in your voice. "what no seb of course not, yeah i really like her. but i wouldn't get her drunk to take advantage of her. she even kissed me and i didn't kiss her back because i know she was drunk" you tell him. "yeah sure" he says. "what are you so mad about, she's an adult seb" you say now getting irritated at him. he didn't say anything back.

"listen i know you care for her but she's an adult, she can make her own choices" you say now calmly to him, you didn't want to fight with one of your friends. "i'm sorry, it's just" he says "i just know her differently. i met her when she was still finding her place in the world, when she was really insecure about, well a lot of things. and it fucking scares me how much she has changed" he says and you see the worry in his eyes now. "well isn't it good she's more confident now?" you ask him. "i guess" he says, but he still had worry in his voice. "listen, if it helps you. the next time i will look out for her more okay" you say, to hopefully let him worry less. "yes i mean, i don't know" he says looking more confused than ever. "you 2 have a special relationship, haven't you?" you ask him. "you could say that" he says "we used to be really close". "what happened between you two?" you ask him. "we just grew apart, she was busy with her career and I was busy with mine so we just grew apart" he says looking down. "well if it helps, i think she still really cares a lot about you" you say to him and you see his face light up.

"where is gone to, haven't seen her in a while?" he asks. "oh she went back to New York" you tell Sebastian. "why?" he asks you. "oh she was gonna visit her uncle in prison" you tell him. "wait what!" he almost yells surprised. "yeah she apparently goes to see her uncle in prison every month" you say to him and you see the worry return in his face. "did she already leave?" he asks you. "yeah probably about an hour or 2 ago". "shit" you hear Sebastian say under his breath. "what wrong?" you ask him. "what's wrong? she's visiting her uncle in fucking prison" he says angry now. "so?" you ask him confused. "so, her uncle killed her fucking parents and he shot her. she almost fucking died because of that bastard Chris!" he says and you couldn't believe your ears. "wait what!" you ask in shock, that girl's life was way more complicated than you thought. 

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