chapter 12 {i'll make you}

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"are you okay?" you ask Chris, after today he seemed different. more distant. "yeah, i'm fine" he says. but you see right through him. "Chris?" you say looking at him with a look that told him you wanted an honest answer. "i'm just tired, that's all" he says. "just tired huh, well i don't believe you" you say in a challenging tone. "oh you don't believe me" he said jokingly back. "don't worry i know a way to get it out of you" you say grinning.

You sit down on Chris' lap and start moving teasingly. You throw your arms around his neck. Sliding them down to his crotch. With a teasing swipe over his groin, you pull your hands back up and run it over his chest. As he reaches for you to slide his hand over your curves, you stop him. "nah-uh no touching, just watching" you say teasingly. Chris' groans, wanting to touch you. you feel his bulge growing under your touch. With a slight smirk, you run the tip of your tongue over your upper lip, your gaze locked with Chris'. You run your fingers over his body again, slower as you almost reach his hardening cock, you stop. You grin at Chris, as he looks at you with dark eyes. Within seconds his lips are on yours in a heated kiss. He takes your lower lip between his teeth and pulls it outward, making you moan.

His tongue glides across yours getting into a fight for dominance. His lips leave your mouth and he pushes you down onto the bed. He starts kissing your jaw then your neck, lower and lower and starts to undo your dress. Chris slowly cups your breasts and slides his palm over them, he then starts pinching your nipples and twisting them until a moan leaves your mouth. You start grinding against him as he keeps playing with your nipples. He groans into your ear. The pleasurable movements come to a stop when he holds your waist firmly. Stopping both of your movements. You give him a confused look before he kisses you passionately.

"you are so beautiful" he says before he kisses you again, while he slowly slides his hand towards your panties and slides his finger in. "please" you breath out. "I thought you were gonna make me, seems like the roles have changed" he said smirking at you. "Chris please.." before you finish your sentence a moan escapes your lips when Chris starts to rub over your folds. His lips leave your mouth as he lowers himself down and takes of your panties. A breathy moan escapes your lips as you feel his breath on your pussy. "Chris" you breath out. His eyes meet yours before he licks through your folds. "oh fuck" you moan out as he laps at your most sensitive parts. It feels good but you want more "Chris please" you breath out. You feel him smile against your pussy. "so impatient" he says before his fingers part your fold and he leans in, biting your clit softly. "fuck!" you almost scream out. His tongue is working around your folds while his fingers rub on your clit in circles, twisting and turning, making you writhe in pleasure. "fuck you taste so good baby" he says, looking up to you. You gasp out loud when he bites your clit again. "oh .. good" you breath out.

He then licks down your folds before his tongue pushes into you making you gasp out loud. "yes moan louder for me baby" Chris says teasingly. His tongue thrusts into you again, a little deeper this time and you feel you are close. "oh fuck Chris..i'm close" you breath out. "are you gonna come for me?" he says teasingly. "yes, fuck" you moan out as you feel a familiar feeling rise up inside you. "not yet baby, not until I say you can" he says as he exchanges his tongue for his fingers, thrusting them deep inside you. "please, Chris .... i..can't" you breath out, not able to keep it in much longer. "not yet" he says as he thrust his fingers harder and deeper into you. "oh fuck!" you scream "please.." you beg him. "good girl, now you can cum" he says as he kisses your clit, making you come with a loud moan.

His hands leave you and he kisses you hard. "fuck" you breath out. "are you already done?" he ask you teasingly. You can't speak as you still trying to catch your breath. "good, because I'm not done with you" he says answering for you. He get rid of his clothes and grabs his belt. He then ties your wrist together, pushing them above your head. "are you gonna be a good girl for me?" he asks you and you nod, never have you felt this turned on. "good girl" he says before he lines himself up with you and pushes in, in one hard thrust, making you moan out loud. He starts to thrust in and out of you at a rapid speed, not giving you any time to adjust to his size. "oh fuck you're so tight y/n" he groans before he speeds up. "fuck!" you scream out in pleasure. "oh yeah you like that, don't you?" he asks teasingly. You just moan, not able to say anything as pleasure over takes you. Then you feel a light smack on your cheek "I asked you something" Chris says looking at you with dark eyes. "yes, I ...fuck" is all you can bring yourself to say. "too fucking cock drunk to speak" he laughs before he thrust into you even deeper. "fuck yes!" you scream out as you feel your orgasm rise up inside you again. "are you gonna cum for me again?" chris says. "y-yes" you breath out. "tell me who you belong to, who makes you fucking feel this good?" he asked. "oh fuck" was all you could say. "tell me who you fucking belong to and you can come" he says strictly. "you... I belong to you Chris...fuck!" you scream out. "that's right, come for me then" he says as he keeps thrusting into you while he groans into your ear, letting you know he's close too. You feel yourself clench around his cock and feel his thrust falter as you both come undone. After a few more thrust Chris pulls out of you and let's himself fall into the bed next to you. Both of you trying to catch your breath.

"so are you gonna tell me now what's bothering you?" you ask him as you have cached your breath. he sighs "why didn't you tell me Sebastian was your ex". you look at him shocked. "what, but" you say not knowing what to say. "seb told me" he says as he sees your confused and shocked face. you look away from him feeling a bit embarrassed. "why didn't you tell me y/n?" he asked again but a bit more serious this time. "i just, i just wanted a fresh start and i really liked you, and i guess, i just didn't want there to be some sort of bro code between you 2. so i guess i just didn't tell you" you say, hearing how stupid it was to do that.

"please say something?" you say looking at Chris as he stays silent. "y/n, do you think seb still has feelings for you?" he asks. "i don't know" you say honestly. "do you have feelings for him?" he asks. you swallow hard for a moment, considering if you should give him an honest answer or lie. but you apparently thought for too long. "well great" Chris says, taking the silence for a yes. "it's complicated okay!" you say defending yourself yet feeling scared you might lose Chris over this. "why is it complicated?" he asked a little pissed of now. "well, just. he was my first. tell me you don't have a special place in your heart for your first love?" you say to him. "yeah but i don't see her every day, and i'm not friends with her" he says.

again it's silent for a while. "i swear Chris i only want you" you say softly. "that's not the point y/n" he says sighing. "then what is the point?" you ask a bit mad now. "the point is, is that one of my best friends is your fucking ex. and that he still has feelings for you" Chris says. "but i don't want to be his girlfriend, I want to be yours" you say irritated. "yeah but i want to remain friends with him" Chris says clearly. again it's silent for some time. "what, what do you want to do now?" you ask him almost in a whisper. "i think we should take a break" he says softly. "Chris..i" you want to say but there is nothing you can say to convince him differently. you quickly get dressed and walk out of Chris' trailer. they had a bro code and turns out you were right ones again. Chris would eventually leave you too.

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