ending {chris}

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*if you chose sebastian's ending skip this chapter*

you knock on his door. "hey" he said smiling when he opened the door. "hey, i made up my mind, i want to be with you" you say before you kiss him. Chris lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him. he walks inside and throws you on his bed, kissing you deeply. "i fucking love you" he says as he looks deep into your eyes. you feel butterflies in your stomach. "i love you too" you say before you pull him closer to kiss you again. He removes your shirt, your bra following shortly. "fuck you're so sexy" he breaths before he sucks on your nipple. "Chris" you let out in a breathy moan, making him chuckle. Your hand slide over his muscled chest into his pants, as you start stroking his length. Chris stops kissing you and pulls your hand away from him. "oh no, tonight is all about you. I'm gonna let you know you chose right" he says his voice full of possession and lust, making you dripping wet.

He slowly removes his shirt and your jeans before he kisses you deeply again. You jump slightly as you feel his hands run along the insight of your thighs, collecting some of your arousal that had started dripping down your legs. "who made you this wet baby?" he asked dominance in his tone. "y-you did" you pant, needing his touch. He slowly removed your panties, teasing you. He then softly blows on your throbbing heat as he spreads your legs. "please" you whimper. Chris smirked before running a finger down your dripping slit. He then places his finger in his mouth and starts sucking on it, staring right into your eyes as he does so. It drove you fucking crazy.

His fingers find your clit and he traces it in rough circles. Your hips buck up at the friction but Chris pushes you back down with his free hand. He rubs your clit while his tongue ran up and down your slit, your quite moans bounce around the room. He removed his finger and starts sucking your clit harshly. You let out a gasp as his fingers enter you, pumping in and out, searching for that perfect spot inside you. You rest your legs on his shoulders, your heels dig into his shoulder blades to give him easier access into you. You let out a scream as he finds your g-spot, your legs numbing instantly as you feel you're close. "fuck, Chris..i'm gonna cum" you moan as your eyes screw shut, trying to hold yourself back. "not yet baby, first you're gonna tell me who you belong to" he says, the vibrations bringing you even closer to your release. "fuck.." is all you can get out, trying your hardest not to come yet. "tell me who you belong to!" he says more strictly in a dominant tone. "you, I belong to you....please Chris" you beg him. "good girl, now come for me, cum all over my tongue baby" he growls lustfully before he dives back into you. His words send you over the edge and you give in as your orgasm rolls through your body, your legs shaking as your back arches as you cum, riding out your orgasm.

You gasp for breath as you come down from your high, while Chris is gently lapping up your juices. "fuck" you breath out as Chris hovers over you kissing your neck. "we're not done yet baby" he says. "I was hoping you'd say that" you say smiling at him. "good" he says grinning as he kisses you passionately. He quickly get's rid of his pants and boxers and you see his fully erect cock spring free. "you see what you're doing to me" he says. You nod your head. "good now I'm gonna let you feel what you do to me" he says as he lines himself up with your entrance. He kisses you quickly before he pushes himself in in one go, filling you up. "fuck" you breath out. "god your so fucking tight y/n" he groans before he starts slowly moving. "fuck, yes" you moan out as he speeds up. "you like that" he groans into your ear. "yes, please fuck me harder" you scream out. As the words leave your mouth Chris pushes in even deeper and harder, making you scream out "god yes!". "oh fuck baby, I'm close" he groans into your ear. "you gonna cum for me again" he whispers. "y-yes" you breath out as you feel that all too familiar feeling rising up. "good fucking come for me y/n" he groans. "fuck Chris!" you yell out as you feel your walls tighten around him. "yes that's it baby, come for me, yes" he groans as you feel him fill you up. After a few more thrust you come undone too. "fuck" you breath out.

A minute later Chris pulls out and stands up. You are confused at first, but as you hear him turn on the bath, you realize what he's doing. He walks back into the room and lifts you up, placing you in the bath with him. You lean against him while he cleans you up. "I love you" you whisper softly to him. "I love you too" he says before he places a soft kiss on your head.

a year later

you put the groceries on the counter. "hey babe" Chris says wrapping his arms around you and kissing your neck. "hey" you say smiling. you and Chris were doing great, you worked through your trust issues and life was good. it felt a bit like your relationship with Sebastian back in the day, since both your managers said it would be better to keep your relationship a secret. apparently you 2 being single made you have more fans, or so they said. you found it funny though since no one, not even fans, seemed to notice you lived in the same house.

you moved in with Chris pretty quickly, you didn't really feel at home in New York anymore, you needed a fresh start. so after a month or 3 of dating you moved in with Chris in Boston. it was a nice big home, where you really felt at home. Chris' family also made you feel really welcome. it was never boring in Boston, and you loved it.

your music career was going really well. and you even started acting, you hadn't really had big roles but that didn't really matter to you, since you just enjoyed doing what you loved. and coming home to your boyfriend every day.

"do you have everything for tonight?" Chris asked you. "yeah, i think so" you say turning around and kissing Chris. tonight you had a small BBQ with some of your friends. Kayla was coming over too, you caught up with her a few months ago and it felt great having your best friend back. Sebastian was also coming. you were still friends with him, although you didn't see him as often anymore. it was better that way, seeing your history together. him and Chris where still really good friend though, they love working together.

all was great and you couldn't wait what the future will hold for the 2 of you.

the end

*read next chapter for Sebastian's ending*

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